Classic trading rules, necessary for the survival of the trader

1. Plan your trade. Trade according to your plan.
2. Record your results.
3. Maintain a positive infusion regardless of your losses.
4. Don't bring the market home from work.
5. Continuously level up your goals.
6. Buy on bad news and sell on good news.
7. Don't be afraid to buy high and sell low.
8. Always have a well-planned time for market research.
9. Isolate yourself from the opinions of others..
10. Будьте всегда спокойны, persistent and consistent, действуйте рационально.
11. Limit your losses – use your feet!
12. Never cancel a stop after you have placed it..
13. Никогда не входите в рынок потому, that you are tired of being out of the market. Be out of position – this is also a position.
14. Don't get in and out of the market too often.
15. Traders learn from losses – not on profit. Изучайте каждый лосс для улучшения своих знаний о рынке.
16. The hardest task in trading – not a prediction, а самоконтроль. Успешный Trading difficult and often accompanied by negative emotions. The most important element of successful trading – it is you.
17. Always discipline yourself by following predefined rules..
18. Remember, that a bear market can destroy something in a month, what have you built in three months of a bull market.
19. Don't let big profits turn into big losses – put trailing stops on 20%.
20. You must have a plan, you should know your plan – and you must follow it.
21. Expect losses and take them with dignity. They, who darken with loss, will definitely miss the next opportunity, which is likely to be profitable.
22. Halve your profits and never risk more 50% profit against the market.
23. The key to successful trading – self-study.
24. The difference between those who acquire in the market and those who lose there is not so much in natural abilities., how much in the ability to disciplinedly study your mistakes.
25. Воспринимайте потери как шаг навстречу победе.
26. You accepted the loss? Forget about it quickly. You got profit? Forget about it even faster. Don't let selfishness and greed get in the way of your thinking clearly and working hard..
27. One of the most important secrets of traders – weigh your desires against the desires of the market. Market – it is truth, because it reflects all forces, fighting on it.
28. It is much easier to enter a trade, how to get out of it.
29. If the market does not, what do you expect from him – выходите из рынка.
30. Никогда не добавляйте к проигрывающей позиции. Losing position means, that you are wrong.
31. Don't try to predetermine your profit.
32. The key to wealth in trading – simplicity. Avoid Methods, which you do not understand.
33. Don't be overly curious about the reasons, driving the market.
34. Остерегайтесь открывать слишком большие позиции, which can affect your emotions. Don't be too aggressive in the market. Treat him gently, let your profits grow gradually, not an explosion.
35. Don't try to spot peaks and tops.
36. You must believe in yourself and in your ability to reason well., если вы хотите выиграть в этой игре.
37. In a thin market, you shouldn't try to guess in which direction the next big move will be. – up or down.
38. In the world of money, nobody knows, what will happen in the future. Никто! Therefore, successful traders do not try to place their positions based on the fact, what should happen, but react to that, what has already happened.
39. If the ship sinks, не раздумывайтеспрыгивайте!
40. Lose your opportunities – but not money. With rare exceptions in unusual conditions, get in the habit of using stop profit. Don't beat yourself up, if the price keeps going up without you. You better remember those times, when timely profit-taking prevented losses.

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