John Rockefeller Quotes

Business growth – it's just survival of the fittest. The American rose can be grown in all the splendor of its beauty and fragrance., which will delight those who contemplate her, only mercilessly cutting off weak shoots around her. This is just the implementation of the law of nature and the law of God.
Charity is only useful if, if she helps you gain independence.
Your well-being depends on your own decisions.
Дружба, business-based, better, than business, friendship-based.
Ability to deal with people – this is a commodity, which can be bought in the same way, how do we buy sugar or coffee… And I will pay more for such a skill, than anything else in the world.
You need to joke and borrow money suddenly.
Who works all day, No time to make money.

  Reading for the weekend) Practical.
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