Quotes for LEADERS

1.Many of those, who failed in life, Are people, not understanding, how close they were to success at that moment, when gave up.
(Thomas Edison)

2.Only those, who dare to fail, can come to great achievements.
(Robert Kennedy)

3.The future belongs to those, who sees opportunities before, how they become obvious.
(John Scully, former CEO of Papsi and the computer firm Apple)

4.Who makes no mistakes, he will not move forward.
(Theodore Roosevelt)

5.The true measure of a person is not position, which he occupies in times of comfort and convenience, but hardness, which he shows in times of challenges and contradictions.
(Martin Luther King)

6.In any kind of business or industry, where loafers are equally rewarded, and hard workers, sooner or later, much more of the first ones are discovered, than the last.
(Mike Delami)

7.There are no desperate situations, if you have a person at hand, able to handle any of them! Feel free to admit, what are people, who know something better than you. This is not only normal, this is right.
(Henry Ford)

8.The fights wouldn't last that long, if only one side was to blame.
(Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

9.Speak accurately, clearly, right, being able to, otherwise people won't believe you and won't follow you.
(Pontius Pilate)

10.It is not given to become a great leader, who wants to do everything himself or take all the credit for what he has done.
(Andrew Carnegie, industrialist)

11.Smart leaders only believe half of it, what do they hear. The astute know, which half to believe
(John Maxwell)

12.If you want, you can.

13.Aphorism for Leader by William Briand

“Fate is not a matter of chance, and the result of the choice, fate is not expected, it is created “

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14.Aphorism for Leader by John Dewey

“The strongest aspiration of human nature is the desire to be significant!”

15.Aphorism for Leader by William Briand

“Fate is not a matter of chance, and the result of the choice, fate is not expected, it is created “

16.Aphorism for a leader from Alexander the Great

“I'm not afraid to lose my head, I am afraid to lose face "

17.Aphorism for a leader from Emil Krotkiy

“If you are good - be yourself. If bad - be someone else "

18.To learn to swim, gotta swim.
Mao Zedong

19.Choose your motto: “If not me, then who?”.
Petrusha Sergey

20.Everything, what can be called welfare, счастьем, well-being, due to the presence of three terms: нужно что-нибудь делать, something to love and something to hope for.
V. Klassovsky

21.In the days of prosperity, use the good, but in the days of misfortune, meditate.

22.If you are a decent person and you are unlucky, do not be upset: being a decent person is already a lot of luck.
IN. Nadezhdin

23.That, what are you getting, reflects the, what do you give.

24.Self-control is the key to owning.
X. Benzel-Sternau

25.Strongest of all - self-controlled.

26.You can't teach a man anything, without teaching him to want.
IN. Borisov

27.Everything comes in due time for those, who knows how to wait.
ABOUT. Balzac

28.Strive not for general's shoulder straps, and to victories in all battles.
V. K. Tarasov

29.Ability to live- this is the knowledge of the permanent rules of, how to get into the stream of good conditions.

30.Success is SUCCESS.
M. Tsvetaeva

31.It's not that, to run fast, and in that, to run out early.
F. Rabelais

32.I owe all my successes in life to that, that always ahead of my deadline by a quarter of an hour.
Admiral Nelson

33.Better aim perfect and miss, than to target imperfection and get.
Watson T. J.

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34.The beginning is half of everything.

35.Only that one takes off, who spares no effort to run.
IN. Borisov

36.The best tank on the battlefield is the tank with the best crew.
One American general

37.Strive for the goal, but live for today.
Timo Santalainen

38.Sincerity, уравновешенность, understanding oneself and others is the key to happiness and success in any field of activity.
Hans Selye

39.The only condition, on which success depends, есть терпение.
L. Tolstoy

40.Difficult things need to be made habitual, familiar - easy, and easy - pleasant.
K. Stanislavsky

41.Position is not so important in our life, in which we are, how much direction, in which we move.
ABOUT. Holmes

42.If you never let the words of discouragement be spoken, then your battle is already half won.
L. Child

43.Rejoice at failure. In any position, you need to find the pluses and use them. The one, who knows how to take a punch, will not go astray. It is failure that allows you to better know yourself..
V. K. Tarasov

44.If there is no further growth, then the end is near.

45.To defeat the enemy, do not strive to become stronger than him, but make him weaker than yourself.
Ancient Chinese rule

46.Most of life's problems are solved as algebraic equations: bringing them to the simplest form.
L. Tolstoy

47.You will almost always achieve more with caress, than brute force.

48.The problem is not given to us for complaints, but to solve.
American psychologist

49.Who is fighting, he can lose, who does not fight, he already lost.

50.Who never despairs, there is no impossible for that.

51.The one, who wants to improve, gotta watch my losses, as for lessons.
J. Capablanca

52.If you did not meet obstacles on the way, means, you did not take place. Buy them for big money.
Japanese wisdom

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53.You should think about your plans like this, so that even failure brings known benefits.
Cardinal de Rec

54.Who did not fall- he didn't get up.

55.If the worst is going to happen, think about how you will live on now.
Psychology rule

56.Don't judge a person by that, what views does he hold, and judge by that, what he achieved with their help.
Lichtenberg G..

57.Don't be bitter - spit out, don't be sweet - they will eat.

58.Miser pays twice.
German proverb

59.for our laziness we are punished not only by our failures, but good luck to others.
J. Renard

60.Sloth the daughter of wealth and the mother of poverty.
P. Decource

61.Always have a new book in your library, in the cellar - a full bottle, fresh flower in the garden.

62.Don't ever let anyone speak, that you can't do it ...
(Chris Gardner)

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