Qtum digital currency. What is the coin and why?

Qtum digital currency. What is the coin and why?

Digital currencies are being created all the time. It's all about, that Bitcoin no longer lures, for the reason that, what lured 5-6 years ago. There is no longer that excitement, therefore almost all creators are or are split from bitcoin, or they make new projects where they promise a huge number of "gadgets", etc.. Here, for example as a digital currency Qtum.

Almost everyone thinks, what this digital currency connects Ethereum and another similar cryptocurrency. However, this is only sixty percent of the truth., for the reason that, that digital currency has its own personality, which we will talk about a bit later. In the meantime, let's look at the cryptographic currency itself., and find out the same, who are its creators.

The Chinese are listed as creators of this new digital currency., but in help with representatives of Europe. This is a group of developers, who can be called software developers, ripe, that the digital currency market still favorably influences the emergence of new projects. Supposed, that the year of creation of this digital currency, is an 2016. It's true., after all, it was then that the "1st step" was registered in Singapore in the form of the Qtum Foundation Blockchain, which launched the emergence of a digital currency called Qtum. The most basic thing in all this is, that the development team on their official website emphasized, which is not a commercial organization. And it means, their goal is to create and develop cryptographic currency, which will have all the conveniences, etc..

It is also worth emphasizing, that they do it. After all now, albeit at the bottom of the list of fame, but still on 16 place is this digital currency according to the number of capitalization. Its characteristics are as follows: 600 million dollars capitalization and the price of one coin is approximately 10 Dollars. Naturally, this digital currency in terms of Litecoin or Bitcoin is considered tiny. However, at the moment, she is only two years old, so everything is ahead for her.

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What is the purpose of digital currency? Let's put it this way., she has two development goals, but consider only one. Specifically financial. It is worth reporting, that digital currency does not aim to emulate Bitcoin, but wants to innovate. For instance, in gaming, web stuff, social networks, etc.. Actually, digital currency has off-chain and on-chain contracts. They differ in the abundance of things, but it's better not to delve into them. And it is necessary to note the merits of this digital currency.:

-powerful protection against burglary

-allows you to pay for any purchases, etc..

-the price is constantly increasing

-mining depends on the number of coins on the wallet

That's basically it, what newcomers need to know about this digital currency.

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