Reading friendliness and not only

One gets the impression, that I am the only "unique" who switched from funds to forex. It usually happens the other way around. For some reason I draw a conclusion from this, what the fuck is where and what to trade on by and large.


Everyone came to the markets to make money. But counting them in deals is evil. That's why:

Considering money, we automatically distort our view of the market through the prism of our complex equivalent.. Decisions about the moment of fixing profits begin to be made in relation to the size of that same profit. Is it little or enough. Has she repulsed previous losses or not, etc.. Greed and shit turns on…

So what's a comfortable profit for me 20-30 points? Markets sometimes give 5, and sometimes 1000 points…

Markets absolutely don't give a damn about our plans to make X money in a trade per day week month year. Markets start moving and end them. We only need to think about, how to connect to these movements, participate in them and get out on time.

All tables with compound interest, plans to become millionaires are all bullshit. Пользы не приносят, distract only. Работать надо. Screw up.

PS. Я считаю если трейдерам давать только charts без каких-либо цыфр (even without the current value), they will work much more efficiently.

  Wall Street: Money does not sleep
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