
Published on & quot; on the portal in the blog Maxim_Pr & quot;. You can comment here or there.

Is it possible to predict the movement of the market, using only technical analysis? I will make a small retrospective of my posts: – about the growth of the MICEX to 1400-1420 (сделано 9 February) – pivot up S&P (сделано 12 February) – 13 February – many actively advise me to cover longs – terrible external background – PIGS and other swinishness.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this??  That, that i'm an idiot – made a good mid-term forecast and failed to use it normally. He underexposed positions to the target and began to short.  Что-то надо менять :)

By the way, my short-term predictions, and correspondingly, trade, have not been as accurate in the last period. I did not expect such rapid movements.

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