InteractiveBrokers bureaucracy.

Here are the orders from InteractiveBrokers — I can't even change my email. For six months now I have been trying to periodically make attempts to change the email — the case has not moved one iota. Today we even managed to get into their support chat, which is not always possible. Well went in, they write — I want to change my email. Answer — Okay, go there and change. I answer — I've been changing there for six months, now the status is hanging — pending. After half an hour of silence they write — redirecting you to another chat room. Redirected, all over again there — what they wanted — wanted to change email. Good, change — I can't, I've been changing for half a year already, do not change. Redirected somewhere else — they say call the phones on the page such and such. They write — I do not speak English, I only write with the help of a translator program. Answer — then call the phones listed on the above page. Here I have not found what to answer, so I repeated that I do not speak English. Again the answer — call the phones listed on the page, it is impossible to do it via chat. This is where I finished the conversation..
I already had experience, when the account at Etrade was frozen — there was no agreement there either — similar attitude. It's good that else we managed to transfer the account from them to another broker. Looks like, as c IB something like this might happen. It's time to think about replacing.

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