Be carefull! :)

It is sometimes useful to look at the daily reports from the broker. Here I am, quite by chance looked into the report from the OEC today and found an interesting article on debiting money from an account — OverNightPosFee, which means `` fee for moving a position through the night ''. That is, they write off every night 20 cents for each open position contract. Unexpected discovery.
Let's calculate now how much the commission will cost, taking into account the new circumstances. here you go, for example, Soybeans futures position was opened yesterday.

Clearing — 1.81
NFA — 0.02
Commission — 1.29
Total — 3.12

Taking into account the fact that the duration of the average position for the traded system is equal to 22 Days:

OverNightPosFee = 0.20 * 22 = 4.40

Total commissions per circle = 3.12 * 2 + 4.40 = 10.64 (!)

Что на 50% больше чем даже в TOS от Ameritrade (7.00 per circle), about which they say that there are high commissions.

And yes, at first sight, look at the site — like, at all, commission is negligible:


And you won't even suspect that after all the markups, this figure increases by 10 once!!!!!!!

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