
Throwing out another batch of delirium about the Japanese threat. I would, certainly, just banned some radio and TV presenters for bullshit dissemination of unverified information.
What kind of aircraft carriers does Japan have?? (laughed for a long time) What forces will the landing be carried out? With the support of 30 destroyers??? Given the population density and infrastructure of Japan, cause very serious damage to the economy, and make her incapable of waging war, possible without the use of nuclear weapons (true for China, By the way). Just need to know, where to beat. Ie, for the purposes of the Russian Federation, in the described military conflict, will become megacities, industrial production, NPP, and this is in a seismic zone. And in Japan, within reach, sparsely populated areas. The stupidity of some LJ users in the comments is amazing, however, this is already a tradition.

  Who decided to spoil ...?
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