Blockage of the Suez Canal. Information Scheme

Blockage of the Suez Canal. Information Scheme

The deadline for unblocking the Suez Canal may take several weeks. This is a principled trade route, according to which twelve percent of the products transported by sea move.

The Suez Canal is the smallest shipping route between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Evergreen's large container carrier ran aground on Tuesday due to strong winds and sandstorms. This completely blocked the movement in the channel..

Suez Canal is not blocked for the first time. During the Suez Crisis (1956–1957) the channel was blocked and partly destroyed. During the Arab-Israeli wars, the movement was blocked with 1967 on 1975 yy. Traffic also stops frequently due to accidents.: in October 2017 G. Japanese container carrier ran aground Japanese container carrier OOCL, in November 2020 G., when container carrier Al Muraykh ran aground, etc. - but usually the elimination of the difficulty takes several hours. In November 2004 G. the ship Tropic Brilliance ran aground, which is controlled by the controlled organization OJSC Sovcomflot, traffic was blocked for two days.

• If the blocking is prolonged, This could lead to “significant disruption to world trade, a sharp rise in shipping rates, the upcoming increase in the cost of energy carriers and the growth of the global increase in the general price level ", - JPMorgan experts warned.

• The real impact on oil prices will depend on the timing of the imposed block of the sea route, also from other market reasons.

• The Suez Canal is the main LNG route to Europe from the Middle East - in particular, from Qatar, one of the largest LNG producers. Disposal can make up for deliveries from the Russian Federation, Norway, USA, emphasizes the consulting company Rystad Energy.

• If the ships follow a different route, skirting the Cape of Good Hope, it will add 7 or two weeks on the way.

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• A significant proportion of traffic is consumer products, also clothes, furniture, automotive components, etc.. Difficulties in global supply chains already existed due to a large epidemic, the state of affairs is only getting better.

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