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Trend – your frend, and turn the enemy bitch

I can not bring myself to stop to catch reversals. All profits lose on this. Though his hands cut off, do not know how to fight it yet. Infuriates have such stupidity … It should be like that with this fight … Monroe trout anglogold ashanti klerksdorp utc fire & security sells mobile patrol operations isin codes nyse stocks merry christmas bonesave, bone graft, patent

Results of the past week 30.11 – 04.12

Closed the week at zero. Due to lack of discipline. All the money earned on trends is lost by catching reversals in stocks and averaging in them. It is necessary to stop trading reversals in stocks When trading from the opening, excitement appears and concentration in transactions and their correct assessment disappears, хочется быстрее везде успеть Надо довести положительное количество сделок до 40%, now it 30% Продолжаю торговать выбирая акции с наибольшим потенциалом на успех Переносим стоп в без убыток при прайс дельте +15С если есть возможность Если есть основание покрываем 50% positions at price delta 50 центов Размер позиции остается прежним Никакого усреднения и увеличения позиции

Trading strategy 80-20

80—20’s is a strategy, used by us for day trading. Many of our readers, maybe, already familiar with the book "Taylor's Trading Technique" (The Taylor Trading Technique), a reference guide for swing trading. In a nutshell, Taylor's method implies, that markets move at a natural pace, folding day of purchase, sell day and short sell day. This model is also confirmed […]

Day trading for 27 november

On this day, the US stock market – The NYSE ran a shortened session. Managed to commit 1 deal and close in positive territory. FCX : Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc Sector: Basic Materials > Industry: Gold and Silver Из за дубаев рынок открылся в большом минусе и была идея что акции откроются с большим GAP DOWN и начнут закрывать его. I wanted to buy finance, but did not have time. Everything went as I thought, stocks went up.  

Trading strategy “zero” for scalpers

I would like to tell you about a trading strategy for scallers with zero commission, which is used only by a narrow number of market participants, those who have no brokerage commission at all. I must say right away that zero commissions are available only to NYSE members, i.e.. brokers, etc.. It's not a secret for anyone that besides a specialist in the market (NYSE, NYB) there is still a lot of ECN (NASDAQ, ARCA, WHEREAS, BATS and others), that's just with the help of them you can earn. It's only about that way, which I used and we will talk about BATS. Theory of trading strategy Let's start with the theory of what trading at zero looks like in general.

Day trading for 25 november

FRX : Forest Laboratories Sector: Healthcare > Industry: Biotechnology and Drugs Trend Continuation Buy. TPC : Tutor Perini Corporation Sector: Capital Goods > Industry: Construction Services Слишком высоко задрали акцию, sold before the level counting on 30% WPI rollback : Watson Pharmaceuticals Sector: Healthcare > Industry: Biotechnology and Drugs

Dubai debt may be higher, how $ 80 billion. According to UBS analysts

27 november (Bloomberg) – Дубаи, emirate in the gulf of which state-owned companies seek to postpone debt repayment, may be due to more than $ 80 billion to $ 90 billion in liabilities, undertaken by investors, UBS AG аналитики говорится в записке. “Maybe Dubai debt includes significant off-balance sheet liabilities, которые предусматривают общее бремя задолженности значительно превышает $ 80 billion. to $ 90 billion. По оценкам рынков до сих пор,” Недвижимость аналитика Сауд Масуд писал в записке, yesterday. “This could mean, что долговые обязательства, выпущенные компаниейДубай в последние недели, является недостаточным для удовлетворения предстоящего погашения “.

Ingeborg Mootts – A lonely pensioner

Ingeborg Mootts – almost a typical German pensioner. She is 83, she lives in the tiny town of Gisenyi, in a small apartment, furnished with old-fashioned furniture. In the refrigerator it is worth the juice of black currant, and on the walls hang yellowed photos of deceased relatives or rambling. A perfect portrait of the average German woman her age, if not one “but”. Mrs. Mootts – one of the most successful private speculators Germany. For eight years, a lone pensioner managed to earn on the stock exchange 500 thousand euros and is not going to stop there. Today it is very popular in Germany, although, of course, not as the legendary investor Warren Buffett in the U.S.. She wrote a book, lecturing, giving interviews and teaches seniors how to make money in the stock market.

Day trading for 23 november

BGU : Direxion Daily Large Cp Bull 3X Shs(ETF) Sector: Financial > Industry: Misc. Financial Services Done 1 deal and closed the day in positive territory

Risk Management Table for Newcomers to Day Trading on the US Stock Exchange (NYSE,NASDAQ,AMEX)

I wrote a table of the level of the day trader on the NYSE. This is how you need to gain experience for trading on the NYSE for beginners and experienced traders.. It's my personal opinion. *Standard stock position for trading ** Daily loss limit on the day after which trading stops *** Total profit for the week, to go to the next level **** Total minus amount for the week, to go to the previous level For beginners, the transition is carried out after two or three weeks, for more experienced traders a week is enough.

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