Pointless and merciless

In general, I still wonder, that I have been trading for more than 4 years and still cannot get used to account changes, counting real money, correlating their value)

In the process of trading, you do not feel the numbers at all.. +- several thousand – generally FSUs.. adequacy in anesthesia)

But I go home everyday… already at night… and thinking:”Nihuyasebe blt… +N000 $…. it's a pack, what can barely fit into your pocket)” Or for example: “-N000 $…well you moron, Alyosha)) fuck you crawled up from the bulldozer and not even on a signal and just threw away so much money???.. Well this is a gallop for these grandmas you can buy # kill any) Или девушке своей gift сделать.. send her somewhere to rest.. or… or .. or.. and I'm just like that, on a whim, fucked them.. inept. It is not even included in my profitability.. The money, and later on the nerves, thrown out in vain.. meaningless. Here I go.. I have money in my pocket.. I can't just walk up to someone and give it? What kind of moron should you consider yourself, что б такое сделать? Then why am I doing this while sitting at the terminal??”

Every day.

  Может BARELY нам говорит на этот раз "правду"
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