Basic software and utilities

System software is a set of programs and their complexes., that help keep your computer running, as well as computer networks. It aims to:

  • prevention and diagnostics of computer networks and computer hardware;
  • creation of an operating environment, so that other programs can function;
  • implementation of additional technological processes (archiving, copying, file recovery, etc.);
  • ensuring efficient and reliable operation of the computing system and computer.

The system software of the programs can be divided into basic and service. The first comes with the computer, and the second is purchased, of course, additionally.

Basic software

This is a set of software tools, which can keep your computer running. This provision includes:

  • operating shells;
  • network operating system;
  • operating system.

The latter system is needed to, to control the execution of programs for the user, plan and manage computing resources. There are many flavors of the operating system today.: Windows XP Professional, Windows Home Edition, Unix, Linux, Windows 98 and many others. They can be divided into:

  • single and multiplayer;
  • portable and non-portable to other types of computers;
  • single-task and multi-task;
  • networked and non-networked.

A network operating system is a complex of programs, which provides transmission, storage and processing of information on the network. They provide various kinds of network services to users. This is file management, network, email, etc.

Special programs are called operating shells., necessary to facilitate communication between the user and the operating system. They have graphical and textual interface options.. Such programs make it easier for the end user. The most common are Windows 3.11 for WorkGroup, Windows 3.1. They allow you to change the circle of the user's work with a PC, and also expand the set of service and basic functions, which provide the user with the necessary integrated information environment.

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Helper programs

Additional programs (they are also called утилитами) expand the basic software. They can be divided into several component programs.:

  • Antivirus. They keep your computer safe, detect and restore virus-infected files.
  • Diagnostics of computer health.
  • Disk maintenance. Check the surface quality of the disc, control the safety of the file system at the physical and logical levels, shrink disk, create insurance copies, back up data on external media, etc..
  • Archiving. Compress information in files, to reduce the size of memory for its preservation.
  • Network maintenance.

Utilities - Programs, which perform additional operations of information processing or computer maintenance. They diagnose, test software and hardware, optimize the exploitation of disk space, recover corrupted data on a magnetic disk.

The most popular are these utilities.: Checkit PRO Deliuxe 2.0, Norton Utilities.

All software is presented on the site by Link. Here you can buy really high quality products for computers. The prices on the site are very affordable!

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