Tips for beginner traders

First advice to people, trying to take their first steps in Forex - start simple. Then, gradually understanding the intricacies of a new type of activity for you, you can experiment with more complex things. Everything, even large companies, such as MTS, started their journey small. Remember this.

To start, select one market and study its work over the past ten years. Highlight the support and resistance levels for this period. note, how the prices of interest behaved when approaching these levels directly. In this way, you will immediately see trends on the price chart. Indicator predictive functions, such as psychological, trend and signal will allow you to analyze the situation in more detail, market condition. In order to predict the market will be referred to as "bearish" or "bullish", you need to pay close attention to the psychological indicator. It characterizes the general mood in the market.. Volume indicators will help you make a decision, associated with the moment of opening a position. An increase in volume means that participants are interested in the dynamics of prices at the moment.. In this case, there are two options for the development of events: or further price increase, or its change. In turn, a decrease in volumes can lead to a rather sharp change in price dynamics.. Maybe, this is due to the termination of the struggle of one of the parties.

At lunchtime or at night, even the smallest sums of money provoke exchange rate fluctuations. At this time, the bulk does not work., and the market becomes less predictable. A decrease in volume during this period does not even necessarily indicate a decrease in interest in transactions.. Market generally after 17 hours CET is dangerous for its unpredictability, so beware of it.

Изучайте всевозможные charts prices, turn on your imagination, try to catch the trend of the exchange rate.

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Trader сам принимает решение и отвечает за результат. Therefore, he always has his own game plan.. Evaluate the correctness or, against, the erroneousness of his actions he can, only dissociating himself from the majority opinion. This skill holds the key to trading success..

It is always necessary to analyze not only profitable, but also largely unprofitable positions. Correcting mistakes will definitely be beneficial and lead to further success.. When will you understand, where did you go wrong, you will have confidence and a desire to avoid such a situation in the future. You can use not only your bitter experience, but also learn from the mistakes of others, which is less painful.

The advantage of each trader is his own trading system.. It should be checked on the data of previous exchange games and show a positive result.. Besides, it should be simple enough and easily adapt to the conditions of a rapidly changing market. It would be worth discussing, by calling MTS gold number or beautiful number from Beeline, a more experienced person in these matters.

When creating your system, adhere to the following guidelines. Be sure to set your stop- and limit orders every time a certain position is opened. After all, the ratio of profit and loss should not fall below the indicator 2/1 when placing stops or take profits. If the stop order is closer to the entry point, how 40-50 pips, you can speak, that he is doomed. In this situation, it is almost impossible for you, entering the market, catch the bottom-peak. The error is 10-15 pips, to this should be added 5 pips spread, as well as 10-15 pips, caused by market noise. So it turns out, that he has practically no chance of surviving the position.

Исходя из вышесказанного, take profit of the order should be no closer 80-100 pips, starting from the entry point. With such a control system, it becomes possible to minimize the broker factor. Or in other words, minimize attempts to reduce your profit by shifting the quote against the client by, for example, закрытии позиции.

  Market prices

With such stop-order and take-profit values, positions should be kept open for no more than two days.. The price will definitely go against you, if during this period it does not go in any way in your direction. Not worth the wait, when the stop order is triggered.

With an open position, risk no more than 10 percent of the deposit.

Deals, which can lead to losses, should not be more 5 % deposit.
Stop order and / or take profit should be moved only in the direction of increasing profit - and then decreasing loss. This should not be abused., otherwise there is a risk, that a tick will sweep away your stop, in view of that, that it is close enough to the price. The price will fit your limit anyway, but already without you.

Even traders, having their own trading system, not immune to failure. The secret of success lies in the ability to follow the signs of the system correctly.. Do not skip the signs of opening and closing positions.

Each trader needs to have some starting capital in order to, to start trading at all. Размер этой суммы определяется исходя из следующих соображений. Стоимость капитала, allocated by you for the purpose of working on the currency exchange, determines the total amount of invested funds. It should be no more than 50 percent of the cost of capital. Amount of funds, which you invest in one market, must not exceed 10-15 percent of capital, involved in the work. Market Risk Rate, where do you invest money, should not exceed 5 percent of invested funds. When opening a specific position in one group of markets, the total amount of contributions should not exceed the level 20-25 Percent.

Remember, that you can only risk that money, which will never lead to financial ruin of your family. It takes composure to make the right decisions., endurance and common sense. The fear of losing money will surely lead to, that you will simply lose them.

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With regard to profit, then it is important for a professional trader to learn how to correctly predict changes in exchange rates, so that later he can receive a good material reward. Profit should be withdrawn at the moment, when the system signals it. As for the risks, then profit can and even should be risked.

To trade successfully, it is necessary to study human psychology. It is important to consider various aspects of its influence on decision-making on the trading exchange.. When analyzing various price charts, try to understand the thoughts and feelings of traders, and also identify the circumstances, who can influence the decisions they make.
This approach will allow you to join the ranks of successful "bulls" or "bears".

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