
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

5 ways to deal with fear

Let go of your old habits. For people, suffering from depression, psychotherapist Aaron Beck developed a special method. His observation was, that people with a pessimistic outlook on present and future life are prone to depression. This tendency is formed in deep childhood. Beck concluded.: if a person can be taught to have a negative perception of life, then it is also possible to wean him. For effective perception, the client needs to be helped to see, that his reaction to these circumstances is too sharp and negative. It is also imperative to respond appropriately to these circumstances., that people take everything too close to heart. It's not easy to give up this habit. Using the technique of rejecting past experience will help to achieve the desired result.. Ask yourself, why do you think, that your ideas will not support or you are under the curse of a failure? Beck described people's tendency to irrational thinking and personalization.. I.e, many said: "I know, that the director will not support this idea "or" I am cursed! I will never get that, what I want". In these moments it is important to find out, why are you so afraid to change your life and get exactly what, чего желаете. Besides, поймите, that you don't owe anyone anything, ни работе, nor to the bosses, not to relatives. Actually, the main thing is your confidence in the matter, которое вы делаете. Вам не нужно

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Jack Ma creator and CEO of the Alibaba Group was born in 1964 year in the Chinese province of Zhejiang, Hangzhou city. As a teenager, he gave tours to all interested tourists for free, thereby improving your knowledge of English. After graduating from university in 1988 year, Ma became an English teacher. His knowledge was so high., that he opened his own translation agency and started working with American companies, doing business in China. IN 1995, he went to the United States as an interpreter, where he contacted his Chinese friend, who at that time lived in Seattle. There he saw for the first time in his life a personal computer with access to the Internet.. Fascinated by what he saw, Ma asked his friend to help him create a website for a translation agency., after which almost immediately began to receive emails with offers of cooperation.

5 когнитивных ошибок, killing your profitability

George Dvorsky (George Dvorsky) once wrote: “The human brain is capable of performing 10 ^ 16 processes per second, making it a much more powerful tool, than any computer currently in existence. But that doesn't mean, that our brain has no serious limitations. A humble calculator can do calculations a thousand times better, than we, and our memory is often not very useful - yet, we are prone to cognitive errors (cognitive biases), these annoying glitches of our thinking, which force you to make dubious decisions and come to erroneous conclusions". Cognitive errors are the bane of portfolio managers, because they reduce our ability to remain emotionally disconnected from money. As history shows, when it comes to investing your own money, investors always do the "opposite", what should be done. They "buy at the maximum", as greed prevails over logic, and "sell at the minimum", because fear disrupts the decision-making process.

Trader's Desktop, do it yourself(10 Monitors)

For a long time I came up with a convenient, multi-monitor workstation. In life, you have to solve problems, programming related, testing, virtual machines and processing of rarely changed dynamic information. After the allocation of a separate apartment for a laboratory, decided to build a 10-monitor desktop, where all monitors are connected to one system unit and organize one single workspace. I bought it in different places:1) Plain spacious office desk;2) Case for the system unit (need a big and quiet, under a large number of hard);3) Modern components: motherboard under 2011 socket, with the support 64 GB RAM (4-x channel mode) and with the ability to connect up to 12 hard drives, video cards, with the ability to connect up to 4 monitors to each (in total, without risers, three modern video cards fit into one system unit). Video cards must be passively cooled, silent power supply, modern processor, etc.4) Monitors (Total 10 things): in the middle - 2 monitor size 27 inches, lower (main workspace) high resolution and top, which will act as a control panel, directory listing, auxiliary working environment in graphics and video editors;5) UPS (2 pieces) - one for the system unit and the second for monitors;6) Wooden beam, to create a table frame, roof board, lighting, fasteners, wires and stuff.

50 most popular stocks in hedge funds – Rating

American analytical company FactSet has released a quarterly list 50 most popular stocks in 50 largest hedge funds. According to the study, funds increased the share of equity investments in the total investment portfolio by 9,8% in the II quarter 2014 G. It should be noted, that in the first quarter this share increased only by 1,9%. Medical companies, currently in merger negotiations, were the most attractive for investment. Hedge funds sold significant shares of International Paper and Micron Technology, the study says. Besides, large funds parted with the securities of "several media corporations and strategic financial institutions".


Bankers in a stupor: who will get more money from the sale of Alibaba shares? The fact, that a Chinese company is registered in the Cayman Islands, and the listing will be carried out in the US markets. For a long time, all the media have been trumpeting about, that the IPO of Alibaba Group Holding should be the largest in history, and now bankers spontaneously create big problems for themselves: how do they keep shares, as soon as they start trading? While, how all major IPOs were carried out rigidly and clearly, there are some specific hurdles in the public offering of an e-commerce company.

Billion dollars in one day

Adage Capital Management, boston hedge fund, launched by two former directors of the Harvard University endowment, earned almost 1 billion dollars in one day on shares of a biotech company after successfully passing a trial of a new drug.

Researching nootropics or speeding up the brain

As a Habr subscriber, I really like to read articles in the GTD hub and about how people try to cope with the difficulties of organizing life and optimizing life processes that arise in their lives.. Someone even writes about successful tricks., invented by them or gleaned from various sources. In the majority, I think, similar articles are written on the wave of delight from the results obtained from the new method, but over time, the wave subsides and you have to look for new options. myself, just like many other people, subject to similar wave processes. But in my life I noticed one phenomenon in the human body, expressed in the fact, that most of the negative effects of life, be it procrastination, apathy, depression, etc., occur against the background of disturbances within the brain processes. Such disorders can be triggered by various reasons - from physical head injury to concussion (as in my case) before the negative impact of the environment. All these violations can occur in a mild form and a person, thinking, that he is healthy and he just does not have enough time to sleep, continues to be in such a disastrous state without knowing it. Смею предположить, that this condition is typical for most people. А в результате, due to hypoxic (oxygen deficiency) the state of the brain, a person continues to live in it, не задумываясь о существовании лучшей

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We study the transactions of the investment fund Perceptive Advisors

Today we will talk about the investment fund Perceptive Advisors, namely, about the latest purchases of shares of the companies of this fund. Fund name: Perceptive Advisors Founder and head of the fund: Joseph Edelman Portfolio Value:~ $951,682,000 Foundation date: 1999 year This fund attracted attention to itself quite by accident, namely, the growth of shares of AmicusTherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:FOLD). The fact, what for the last 2 of the day, the company's shares rose from $3 to $4.25, for a cheap promotion (penny stock) this is a very decent growth.

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