
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

How HFT (high frequency trading )changed the situation on world exchanges

In the spring 2017 of the year, Credit Suisse analysts have published a report on "the real role of HFT trading in the modern financial market ecosystem". The document states that, how high-frequency trading has changed the state of affairs on world exchanges - we have selected five main findings of the study.

Mark Douglas - Reason over the Market (interview)

Mark Douglas - Reason over the Market

From the translator: Greetings! We offer you a translation of an interview with Mark Douglas, an experienced trader and a professional in the field of trading psychology, author of the books "Zone Trading" and "Disciplined Trader", That, sure, many are familiar. Mark will tell us about, what is important to avoid in trading, what to strive for psychologically, and also describes the human component of the price movement. I wish you pleasant reading and a successful trading week.!

Stock Reporting Season ( Earnings Season ) – 14 useful tips

Earnings Season (Reporting season ) provides us with most of the opportunities for profitable trades. This is our final series of games. It looks like Opening, repeated every day for six weeks and four times a year. Every day is new. Every day is special. Every day is delicious. Every day offers tremendous opportunities. This is our favorite time to trade. Below are some suggestions for, to help you maximize these opportunities during this Earnings .

Bitcoin or biotechnology : What to invest in

The Motley Fool columnist Kate Space talks about it, how to choose between two types of risky assets. Bitcoin has become the subject of perhaps the most controversial in the investment world. His supporters believe, that cryptocurrency could disrupt the financial industry, and indicate the staggering growth of bitcoin in recent years. Critics highlight bitcoin's volatility (Bitcoin) and associated risks. Exactly such arguments, as for, and against, sound in relation to another type of asset: biotech stocks. Some investors see them as a great way to make a lot of money from innovative products., while others fear high levels of risk and volatility. Which of these two is promising, but potentially dangerous assets would be an investment - a smarter choice of an investor?

Rating of nootropics traders

Attention: This presentation has been translated and based entirely on cumulative and subjective experience.. The survey was conducted for research and educational purposes. It is highly recommended not to make a decision based on these datasets.. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before taking any of these substances., otherwise, you may experience problems with your mental health. Specified dosages, most likely will be inaccurate, it is strongly recommended not to make an independent decision without the consent of a qualified medical specialist.

Top 5 Doping Pro-Players

Hello! We recently had a similar issue: 5 nootropics for poker, he went well, so we continue the topic of substances, which are used in various activities. And today we have esports! Oldfags still remember computer rooms with a local area network, where amateur competitions for games with minimum prize money were sometimes held. Now, if suddenly you do not know, it's a whole industry, which attracts a lot of money, and the salaries of top players are close to solid football contracts. And where big money is spinning, it is likely the use of substances, which increase the efficiency of players.

Why Russians rarely invest in ETFs and mutual funds

Exchange-traded index instruments can attract money from private investors to the Russian market. But this requires an information campaign and an expansion of the range of products The influx of private investment into the market can be stimulated by investment instruments, which require a minimum of knowledge and experience in the stock market. For such purposes, certainly, the simplest products such as synthetic OFZ for the population are suitable (OFZ-n), as well as index funds (Mutual Funds and ETFs), which by themselves imply maximum diversification. In the case of index investing strategies, there is no need to try to guess trends., geopolitics and other risks and factors. AND, according to our estimates, index instruments are the future of investment retail in Russia. So far, a limited line of 12 ETF, but with the growing demand for them, it can be assumed, that it will expand.

10 useful sites for a trader

We present to you a small, but a very useful selection of different sites, that will help you invest your funds more efficiently. All Resources, which we offer, are free of charge, but they perform the functions of, that I personally use in my trading. Study them, Share with your friends and add to favorites.

Stock Indices. Definition and calculation methods

stock index – indicator of the state and dynamics of the securities market. By comparing the current value of the index with its previous values, it is possible to assess the behavior of the market, his reaction to certain changes in the macroeconomic situation, various corporate events (mergers, takeovers, share split, resignations and appointments of leading managers), speculative processes. Depending on whether, what securities are sampled, used in calculating the index, it can characterize the market as a whole, market for a certain class of securities (government obligations, corporate bonds, shares, etc.. P.), industry market (securities of companies of the same industry: telecommunications, transport, insurance, Internet sector, etc.. P.). Comparing the dynamics of different indices can show, which sectors of the economy are developing the fastest. The index can represent the national stock market as a whole or a specific trading floor in this market (for example, stock exchange index). Stock indices are calculated and published by various organizations, most often by news or rating agencies and stock exchanges.

What is split (splitting up) Shares

What is split (splitting up) Shares

Share split - a method of attracting additional investors by deliberately lowering the market price of a share and proportionally increasing the number of shares in circulation. Share splits or share splits are used by joint stock companies to, to make the stock more attractive to private investors. But companies don't do this with advertising., and by artificially lowering the market price.

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