
Useful information for novice traders in the US stock market. Reviews, articles and videos about the leading American stock exchanges

How easy it is to consider American issuers and immediately weed out unsuitable options

The search for a new object for investments in the securities market is a constant labor- and time-consuming process. However, there are not so few shares on the Russian Federation market, but in the near future a significant number of money blogs arose, filled with reviews of the organization from Russia and the study of financial statements.

What will happen, if you have two IIS at once?

In accordance with the National Law "On the Securities Market" No. 39-FZ, an individual has the right to have only one contract for maintaining IIS. If a new contract for the maintenance of IMS is concluded, the previously concluded contract must be terminated within a month.

5 the most popular questions about the W-8BEN

Tax payment specialist answers 5 the most popular questions about the W-8BEN Russian broker is not a dividend tax agent, acquired from sources, which are outside the borders of Russia.

Interactive Brokers through the eyes of a financier

Good for everyone, not counting its owners of shares Over the recent period, there has been a real explosive growth in investments - due to the general covid isolation, brokers had to significantly improve their remote services for clients, including - to facilitate the opening and service of brokerage accounts, conducting operations with securities. This entailed something, that a huge number of newbie financiers appeared on the exchange. Some of them are determined to chase fashion promotions like Tesla and Virgin Galactic., someone got "under the hand" during events like the crackdown on GameStop shares. More advanced financiers might think about, how to get income on the general investment boom. It immediately recalls the times of the gold rush: not many of the gold diggers have found gold, but almost all businessmen, who traded in shovels, made a fortune. Such "shovel dealers" during the investment boom, Certainly, are exchanges and brokers. Prior to that, the pages of the Open Journal published a review of global exchanges and evaluated their investment attractiveness. In this article we will analyze, how presentable is the brokerage industry for a financier, taking Interactive Brokers as an example (IBKR). This foreign broker is more popular among Russian financiers, besides, its shares are traded on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange. Interactive Brokers Past Cash Performance Summary 5 years is shown in the figure below. Rice. 1. Charts based on EDGAR data. Дивидендная история и график акции

Interactive Brokers through the eyes of a financier Read more

5 organizations from Russia, which grow 5 years in order

One of the more well-known long-term investment strategies in the securities market is investing in growth companies., whose performance exceeds the market average. A growing company is a business, demonstrating?? improvement of main characteristics over time.

10 Bodo Schaefer's rules of money literacy

Biography of Bodo Schaefer is foggy: there is no reliable information about the times of his youth, and he himself does not seek to reveal the veil of secrets. Success was brought to him by coaching and writing books, but several attempts to build a business turned into a failure.

Due to what participants in exchange trading have their own income?

So that on not extremely large amounts (in some places up to a million dollars) building trend trading systems on the Moscow Exchange - you don't need a lot of intelligence. Not, how much you need. And reason, and patience, and a test program is still needed. However, it will manage, acceptable, any person with IQ 120 and without powerful loathing for arithmetic.

What is the essence of the golden standard and why it was abandoned

Gold has always been highly valued by the population of the earth due to a number of its own parameters.. It became necessary in currency circulation at first as an independent form of funds, and later as a base for the production of cardboard banknotes. Despite the liquidation in the 70s.

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