Argus – Microsoft has developed anti-piracy protection based on the Ethereum blockchain

Microsoft together with organization from China Alibaba и The Institute Carnegie Mellon Did anti-piracy system Argus, in Database which lies blockchain Ethereum.

Argus system

Argus allows trace the original source of the pirated Information by using special method digital watermark. Moreover, the system can work with at least some file types: images, audio and software.

Users, found illegal content, will be able send anonymous complaints, and get rewarded for it digital currency. Microsoft also took into account the shipment Subsequent messages from 1-him And of the same user under Different nicknames and included in Argus abuse protection.

At this time system is being tested. Presentation Argus will take place in the month of September on Interstate Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.

It is an open system for revitalizing anti-piracy companies, hosted on the blockchain 2-ouch on notoriety digital currency Ethereum, which was called push Conventional users voluntarily report on dissemination Illegal Information, promising complete anonymity and a reward for every successful denunciation. According to researchers from Microsoft, this the system can making a difference unfaithful accusations from legitimate, also capable to beat with abuse, like piracy reports, which have been sent one person with huge amount Different Accounts.

Argus Job Description


By participating in the program, volunteers will be able to report about presumptive Options piracy, employing open system Argus. Microsoft characterizes its like non-refundable and transparent, And informs, what is he allows to find unfaithful Information piracy.

“Industry alliances and companies launch anti-piracy campaigns, but their productivity in public questioned due to lack of transparency. We Believe, what full transparency of the campaign need for This revitalizing people », — emphasized representatives Microsoft.

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The essence system operation, according to the assurance of the softmaker, ordinary. With help special watermark pirated content will be tracked to the source, who, upon receipt of a complaint, will receive the status of "accused", waiting study. If the copyright holder's claim is not protested, status Changes of "guilty", and the resource is blocked.

Reward system.

For introduction Argus introduces a reward system as a tool for reporting piracy. Representatives Microsoft until Open timing launches campaigns, but made a promise publish proper documentation in the month of September 2021 of the year. Foreseen, what system will be compatible with Different type Information: from ON to multimedia Information.

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