Broko's accounts arrested (Broco) на Laser Trade?

Well, Valery Maltsev does not manage to remain in the shadow of his company.. Scandal again, yoshkin cat!

And it consists in the fact, что комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США посчитала, that the management of Broko (Broco) manipulated prices on the exchange with dummy accounts, resulting in a few months at the end 2009 of the year «заработало» more 250 one thousand dollars. Therefore, it was decided to arrest the accounts of the Russian company Broco., which provided access to its clients to exchanges NYSE And NASDAQ through the trading terminal Laser Trade.

Valery Maltsev and Broco bought shares through a dummy account, a few minutes before the same shares were bought from another account in large volumes, moreover, with buy orders slightly above the market price, that is, knowingly with losses, but with a strong intention to raise the price. After that, how the share price rose slightly as a result of purchases from the second account, the profit on the first account was quickly fixed, as a result, the profit from such operations amounted to 2009 years to December of the same year approximately 255 one thousand dollars.

Full text here:

скандал с Броко и Мальцевым

scandal with Broko and Maltsev

Valery himself does not lose optimism and declares:
Good day everyone!

In the near future we will comment in great detail on the whole situation in the group of sub-broker accounts of BroCo., opened at Genesis USA, to provide BroCo clients with the ability to trade in the US stock market.

The US Securities Commission did not seize these accounts, but temporarily suspended all operations of the company's clients until the reasons for the circumstances of trading on one of the client accounts were clarified.

BroCo and I personally have nothing to do with this trade.

BroCo officially operates in the US stock market as a sub-broker for Genesis. We issue invoices to all clients, those who wish to trade on the US stock market and receive a commission for this. All major Russian stock market operators work with Genesis under this scheme., and as I repeat we including.

Under this scheme, a single account is opened for us - omnibus account, which is registered to the company, and within which accounts are opened for our clients. Full information on opening these types of accounts is described in detail on our website.. Naturally then, that we officially open these accounts, providing our clients and Genesis company with complete information about our clients and transferring all concluded contracts, copies of passports and other necessary documents from our clients.

That account, which aroused suspicion of price manipulation in the market belongs to a client of the company. The client traded on his own. Our company provided only technical and brokerage access in conjunction with Genesis. BroCo had nothing to do with this trade.

In the near future we will sort out all misunderstandings., caused by US Commission claims. There is no criminal case there, claims of the Securities Commission are of a purely civil nature and are only a request to provide all the necessary documents for this client.

Our lawyers prepare all the necessary documents today- their commissions will be provided tomorrow.

Russian media did not understand the situation and published incorrect news. We have already passed a demand to the media to stop the flow of unverified news..

BroCо company is operating normally. All misunderstandings will be eliminated in the near future..

Today I will answer questions from the Russian media and am also ready to answer any questions from our clients on a completely normal case of proceedings between a broker and a regulatory commission., unusually taught in the Russian Federation by our Internet media.

Sincerely, Валерий Мальцев.

I have already written angry posts about Valery and his position in life., what he was a little offended by, and now another conspiracy against him and Broko, ххы.


Whatever it was, there is no smoke without fire )))

shl. On my colleague's blog Stanislav Bernukhov there is such a comment:


About the work of the Laser platform based on Broco. As they say, there were frequent cases of disconnection of communication with exchanges, and for some reason the shoulder was cut – was the case. It's a dark matter.

There is a version of my good friend, who trades on Nyse stock:

Sub-broker company main broker (Genesis) provides leverage 1:20 (as a "professional" – брокеру 7 categories). Further, the sub-broker company distributes this leverage among its clients, but gives them a shoulder already in size 1:4 or 1:5. I.e, if the company has a sub-broker of accounts for the total amount, say 100.000 USD, then the purchasing power (buying power) she has potential – 2 million dollars. Wherein, if the company for its clients cuts the leverage to 1:5, then freezes 500.000 dollars of purchasing power for customers and she has 1,5 million purchasing power. This leverage the company can give to its dummy account, who can buy up assets in large volumes. At the same time, it is understandable, that large volumes are formed due to the, that part of the shoulder is cut off from other accounts. Naturally, if the dummy account suffers losses, then this happens at the expense of all clients of the sub-broker company.

This is where the large volumes on the second account could have come from.. And the account can be registered to anyone.

But this is just a version.

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