Arabesque launches ESG portfolio manager based on artificial intelligence

Arabesque Unveils Autonomous Asset Management Proposal for Highly Customized and Sustainable AI-Powered Active Investment Strategies, which can generate and manage millions of active stock strategies.

Arabesque launches ESG portfolio manager based on artificial intelligence

Arabesque's AI AutoCIO enables asset managers and investment finance professionals to customize and create highly customizable proactive strategies, that can be tailored with over a thousand different personalized investment options.

The launch comes amid a growing push by the asset management industry to use such technologies, like automation and artificial intelligence, for cost effective product development, creating alpha profitability and providing a personalized and varied customer experience.

Arabesque's AutoCIO platform currently serves capitals for more than 400 million US dollars, offering investors an unprecedented degree of personalization through an optimized web app, which can generate a wide range of customized strategies, and artificial intelligence is used to predict performance 25 000 promotions daily.

AutoCIO is powered by Arabesque's patented AI engine, that identifies and analyzes patterns in data on a large scale, to discover subtle relationships, which can be converted to alpha.

AI engine capable of processing billions of data points every day to output stock signals, using computing power equivalent to tens of thousands of computers, and runs on carbon neutral infrastructure Google Cloud. As new data becomes available, artificial intelligence mechanism re-examines factors, determining stock returns, and strives to improve them over time, eliminating human bias and reducing the likelihood of error.

Based on materials from Institutional Asset Manager

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