analytical blind spot

“As a long-term trend, these businesses are gaining more of their profits from overseas. It is only when unit labour costs at S&P companies start growing at more than 2 per cent a year that margins will start to fall.”

turns out…

– profitability can decrease only if the cost of labor increases at a rate of more than 2%
– why?
– because, that more and more income comes from developing countries
– and there profitability cannot decrease?
– oh-yay .. brain connection required .. the body exits the application …

basically, not so long ago, the same peppers were struck outright by the fact, that tightening economic policy leads to a slowdown in economic growth (business activity).

как же так, these are emerging markets! they can do anything! they are our everything! our holy cow! who said cow? buy india! Hurrah! on the embrasure! даешъ! понимаешъ!

  Miracle systems for tradestation (continuation)
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