AME : AMETEK, Inc. (New York Stock Exchange)

AMETEK, Inc. is a global manufacturer of electronic tools and electromechanical devices with operations in North America, Europe, Азии и Южной Америке. The company sells its products worldwide through two operating groups: Electronic Instrument Group (EIG) and Electromechanical Group (EMG). EIG builds control, testing, calibration and display devices for the process, space, industrial and power markets. EMG – supplier of electromechanical devices. EMG manufactures highly engineered electromechanical connectors for sealed (waterproof) заявлений, specialty metals for markets, and brushless air-powered motors, blowers and heat exchangers. End markets include space, защиту, public transport, медицинский, office products and other industrial markets.

In February 2008, Company acquired Drake Air (Drake). Drake – heat transfer repair service provider to the commercial aerospace industry. Drake – part of EMG. In February 2008, it acquired the Control Movement group (MCG). MCG – global manufacturer of highly tuned motors and motion control solutions for medical, life sciences, industrial automation, semiconductor and aviation markets. MCG – part of EMG. In April 2008, Company acquired Reading Alloys. Reading Alloys offers specialty titanium master alloys and highly engineered metal powders, used in space, medical implementation, military and electronics markets. Reading Alloys is part of the EMG. In June 2008, Company acquired Vision Research, Vision Research Inc. – high-speed digital display manufacturer, used for motion capture and analysis in numerous test and measurement applications. Vision Research – part of EIG. In August 2008, Company acquired Xantrex Technologies' programmable power business, Inc. (Programmable Xantrex). Xantrex Programmable AC Offers (AC) and constant current (DC) programmable power supplies used to test electrical and electronic products. Programmable Xantrex is part of EIG. In November 2008, Company acquired United Kingdom-based Muirhead Cosmos, Ограниченный (Muirhead). Muirhead – manufacturer of motion technology products and provider of aircraft repair and rebuilding services for the defense and space markets. Muirhead – part of EMG.

Company Product Introductions include CAMECA Minor Research LexFab 300, which uses surface research technology, to improve throughput and yield in semiconductor factories; Chatillon TCD225 Series advanced strength testing system; EDAX Orbis microanalytical system; ORTEC microdetector lightweight, high resolution sensor; Hamilton Precision Metals Ultra Smooth Stainless Steel Strips; PITTMAN slotless brushless DC серводвигатели; Solartron SST Ultra Long Range Pressure and Temperature Transmitters; X-VIDE SPECTRO, I-VID and SPECTROTEST spectrometers, and Talyrond 395 surface analysis systems. It also developed the Western Model ROOM 9000 Research, which is compact, rugged multi-gas analyzer, designed specifically for continuous emission, controlling statements, and a 8.4-inch diameter engine blower AMETEK.

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Electronic Instrument Group

EIG is made up of a group of differentiated firms. EIG applies its dedicated market center and technology, to produce tools, used for, to check, контролировать, calibration and display for process, space, industrial and power markets. It has joint venture operations in Japan, China and Taiwan. During a year, completed 31 December 2008, 53 % EIG's sales have been to markets outside the United States. During 2008 65 % EIG's sales were from tools for process and analytical measurement and analysis. They include oxygen, humidity, combustion and liquid analyzers; emission monitors; spectrometers; mechanical and electronic pressure sensors and transmitters; radiation measuring devices; level measuring devices; precision pumping systems, and force measurement and materials, checking instrumentation. EIG's center is on the process industries, including oil, gas and petrochemical treatment, power generation, specialty gas production, water and unnecessary treatment, natural gas distribution and semiconductor production. AMETEK analytical tools are also used to measure accuracy in many other applications, including radiation detection for Homeland Security, analysis of materials, nanotechnology research, and other test and measurement statements.

Differentiated Vision Research products include a variety of high-speed digital cameras for, to capture data in product characterization and motion analysis applications, including high-speed digital camera, Phantom v12, capable of capturing one million paintings per second. SAS Cameca (CAMEC) manufactures high quality elemental analysis systems, used in advanced laboratory research, semiconductor and nanotechnology applications. Kameki instruments measure the elemental and isotopic composition of micro or nanovolumes at or below the surface of a solid object. This technology can measure atoms down to the ppb level.. Customer base, which is very diverse, includes semiconductor laboratories, semiconductor manufacturers and academic, government and industrial laboratories, engaged in advanced research in nanotechnology, metals and nuclear science.

During 2008 19 % EIG's sales have been to power and industrial instrumentation markets. AMETEK Power Firms provide analytical tools, uninterrupted power supply systems and programmable power supplies, used in a variety of industrial settings. EIG Projects and Manufacturers Power Measurement and Recording Instrumentation, used by electricity and manufacturing. Those products include meters and power converters, case and transient recorders, alarms and alarmed monitoring systems, используемые, to measure, monitor and record variables in transmission and distribution of electricity. Solidstate EIG controls design and manufacture continuous power systems for the process and power generation industries. EIG also manufactures sensor systems for onshore gas turbines and for boilers and burners, used by the utility, petrochemical, process and marine industries worldwide.

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EIG Programmable Power Business Offers Programmable AC and DC Power Sources. Xantrex Programmable offers programmable AC and DC power sources used to test electrical and electronic products, simulating different input voltages, frequencies and potentially harmful line transients. Its products are used in project validation testing, Production, quality assurance and regulatory compliance by its clients in a range of industries, including aviation, military establishment, and general electronics. California Instruments Corporation – manufacturer of programmable AC POWER sources, используемых, to test electrical and electronic products. EIG Instrumentation and Specialty Controls Business – North American heavy truck dashboard instrument manufacturer, and is also a supplier of similar products for construction vehicles. Through its business, NCC EIG operates in the food service instrumentation market and is the primary source for standalone and integrated timing controls for the food service industry..

During 2008 16 % EIG's sales were from space products. Space products include onboard data systems, turbine engine temperature measurement products, vibration monitoring systems, indicators, screenings, fuel and liquid measurement products, датчики, switches, cable harnesses and converters. EIG serves all segments of commercial space, включая вертолеты, business jets, commuter and commercial airliners, just like the war market. Advanced Industries, Inc., manufactures starter alternators, brush and brushless motors, axial blade and centrifugal fans, and linear actuators for business aircraft, light aircraft and helicopter markets. These differentiated products complement AMPHION's product line of power management products for the aerospace industry.. Aircraft Parts B&S & Accessories provide third-party service, renovation and reconstruction (MRO) services, primarily for starter generators and hydraulic and fuel system components, for a variety of business airplane and helicopter applications.


EMG's offerings include highly engineered motors, trumpeters, поклонников, heat exchangers, connectors, and other electromechanical products or systems for commercial and military space applications, защиты, medical equipment, канцелярской оргтехники, computers and other power or industrial applications. IN 2008, 43 % EMG's sales were to customers outside the United States. Differentiated firms represented 73 % sales of EMG in 2008, and consist of technical motors and systems firms and engineered materials, connecting wires and packing companies. Technical engines and systems, представляя 40 % sales of EMG in 2008, consist of brushless motors, blowers and pumps, as well as other electromechanical systems. EMG manufactures electronically commutated (brushless) engines, trumpeters and pumps. Prestolite EMG breaker business manufactures solenoids and other electromechanical devices for motive and permanent power markets. Prestolite Battery Charger Business manufactures industrial battery chargers for use in materials, dealing with the market. Muirhead – motion technology product manufacturer, and a provider of aircraft repair and overhaul services for the defense and space markets.

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MCG – global manufacturer of highly tuned motors and motion control solutions for medical, life sciences, industrial automation, semiconductor and aviation markets. Drake provides heat transfer repair services to the commercial aerospace industry. Repair Department & Restructuring Umeco plc (Umeco R&O) provides many MRO services for electrical and electronic equipment, liquid power devices, hydraulic components, actuation systems, landing gear, wheels and brakes and safety equipment. Umeco R&O operates from multiple locations in the United Kingdom, and Toulouse and Paris, France. During 2008 33 % EMG sales were from projected materials, connecting wires and packaging products. It produces stainless steel and nickel clad alloys; stainless steel, cobalt and nickel alloy powders; metal strip; specialty shaped and electronic wire, and advanced metal matrix compounds are used in electronic thermal control. Its products are used in the automotive, прибор, medical and surgical, space, telecommunications, marine and general industrial applications.

Reading Alloys is a specialty metals manufacturer. It produces titanium owner alloys. Hamilton Precision Metals, metal strip precision products Inc. and foil for markets, such as metals, used in medical implantation devices and surgical instruments, electronic components and measurement devices for space and other industrial markets. AMETEK SCP, Inc., formerly known as Seacon Phoenix, manufactures subsea electrical grid-connected subsystems for the global subsea market. During 2008 27 % EMG sales had to stump the care and specialty engine markets. The company also manufactures a variety of specialty motors, used in a range of products, such as home and personal care appliances; fitness equipment; electrical materials, handling vehicles, and sewing machines. EMG's new product developments include the latest versions of its Glasseal and Sealtron electrical connectors.; Pittman and MCG motors and motion drive components; INFIN-A-TEK and FLO-TEK high efficiency vacuum motors, and HPM metal strip and High purity titanium readable alloys Alloys and powders.

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