ALPHA TRADER – new trading platform for trading stocks in the stock market (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX)

Meet Alpha Trader, innovative trading platform, which turns the idea of ​​modern trade.

The platform is a development Fondexx and optimized for trading Order Imbalance strategies, Earnings, Pump&Dump и NYSE Intraday.

Benefits of AlphaTrader

Alpha Trader incorporates the most modern technologies, outperforming many famous marketplaces. Unique design, intuitive interface and multifunctional tools make trading accessible to everyone.

Innovations in Alpha Trader

Technologies in Alpha Trader allow you to make instant transactions and provide high security of transactions. This makes trading on this platform not only efficient, but also safe.

Alpha Trader for Everyone

Alpha Trader – it's not just a trading platform, this is a modern solution, which suits both professional traders, as well as for beginners. Many have already appreciated the convenience and functionality of Alpha Trader. Join the number of successful traders today!


A lot of work and commitment has been put into Alpha Trader to create a trading platform, which would be the leader in its segment. Based on first feedback from users and industry professionals, you can safely say, what Alpha Trader – this is a new word in the field of trade. Try it and see for yourself.

Alpha Trader is waiting for you!

The platform has:

  • -your full schedule, similar to Sterling Trader Pro;
  • glass and time&sales tape;
  • imbalance Warning;
  • -Locate Monitor.

Webinar on the ALPHA TRADER trading platform:

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