
For a week now I have not been able to transfer the loot to the west through Alfa-Bank.. some kind of insanity..
I gave them a signed offer, call again:

– To make a payment, the contract must indicate (it is also possible to provide an official letter on behalf of the Company ,  clarifying the following):
–  the company is not a credit institution (the bank) in accordance with the legislation of the country, in which it is established;
–  Счет – this is a special account, owned by the Company and used by it to ensure the execution of the contract and the maintenance of the Client's positions on operations, stipulated by the Treaty;
– Terms “purchase” And “sale” cash currency are used as technical, as well as within the framework of the contract, the actual delivery of currency is not carried out.
Additionally from the client Letter stating, that there will be no operations, related to the provision / receipt of a loan / loan (Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-I).
The recipient's bank details were not provided.

Pe # children bleat.

Who translated the thread through Alpha?? Can we go to which office another, what brains would not do?

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