Collective2 MasterForex Academy

Opened today an account on Collective2 for MasterForex Academy" for intraday trading in American stocks. Asked (Details of Tyk here). Otherwise they tell people that they trade profitably with the ratio 1/3, but no one believes them. Now they will prove their skills in practice :)

From now on, we are closely following the trade of the MasterForex Academy" according to the Amadey_MF system.

It would also be nice to open the same accounts for other well-known authorities in the field of teaching stock trading like, e.g. Alexander Gerchik, Nikolay Stepenko and others. Students, looking at their results, they could choose from what they see in practice.

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All in all, this is the most famous place on the internet, where investors and traders from all over the world converge. If you have a profitable system or are trading profitably in an intuitive way, but there is no money to trade for yourself, then just open an account on
Collective, trade there for a while so that at least some account history appears and if the equity curve of your account creeps up, subscribers will be drawn to you, and there are immeasurable of them.. You set the price for signals yourself, considering the competition. It is possible in a month, for a quarter or for each profitable trade — there are many options.  Think, very profitable business, and then many on forums spam differently, investors are looking for, and investors are all on Collective hang out :)

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