Aggressive Risk Management Table for Day Trading on the US Stock Exchange (NYSE,NASDAQ,AMEX)

level up trading nyse1 Таблица уровня дейтрейдера на NYSE

Changed my own a little NYSE Day Trader Level Table, which was written back in 2009 year for beginners with gradual and slow growth. Now I decided to make it more aggressive for experienced traders. The rules have hardly changed, but the position size changes faster for those who have already traded large volumes.

The transition to a new level is carried out only if the profit for the week is more than the required one.

The step is decreasing if 2 week the required rate for the new step is not met or the weekly limit is reached

If the total profit does not exceed the weekly loss or profit, then the level for the next week remains the same.

Level Standard Position Daily limit($) Profit per week($) Weekly drawdown
1 300 120 1100 400
2 500 200 2000 600
3 700 280 2500 900
4 1000 400 3600 1200
5 1500 600 5500 2000
6 2000 800 7500 2500
7 3000 1200 11000 3600
8 4500 1800 17000 5500
9 6750 2700 24300 8100
10 10000 4000 36000 12000
11 15000 6000 54000 18000
12 22500 9000 81000 27000
13 34000 13600 122000 41000
14 51000 20400 185000 61200
15 76500 30600 275000 91800
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