aggressive game

I continue to master this style. here is the fast track record of the tournament.. remains 22-25 human, i go up to 1 places, then I lose half a stack, then I'm recovering again. generally shoved a little hard with 66 in one moment, which reduced my stack one more time, but then, пересмотрев video, I realized that this is not a gross mistake, and the departure was already purely in the 13th alignment.. should be interesting.. especially, when a new chip leader is brought to the table, and I manage to reraise him several times. he just turned out to be tighter, kmk. understood this – you have to read people! how in trading we read the feed.. all the actions of people are identical and are repeated over and over again.

for example, after watching several videos with the legendary Phil Ivey, I made conclusions, that in poker at a real table it is very important to read people by body language. several times his forehead touch gestures, neck, collar in different situations, when not even having a low pair, he reraised aggressively postflop.. Who knows, after all, it can be subtly used as a weapon – litter an opponent's eyes with false gestures, but I made conclusions.

poker agressive play from Roman Zeee on Vimeo.

repent, repent… probably tired of you with poker)
I promise to improve and finish a couple of videos on the topic of trading

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