Do you want to open a business offshore Hong Kong??

Do you want to open a business offshore Hong Kong??

What do we know about this fertile place?

The jurisdiction of Hong Kong is an administrative region of the PRC and is considered one of the most financially developed world centers. Recently, until 1997. Hong Kong was listed as a British colony, and then, keeping the autonomous status, became part of the PRC.

There are many high-tech production facilities here., at the same time, much attention of the authorities is paid to the issues of nature and ecology, taking care of the inviolability of large territories.

The economic freedom of this territory is at a very high level, this gives great opportunities to entrepreneurs and businessmen around the world. Не считая того, that this zone is not a classic offshore Hong Kong offers a territorial principle of taxation, то есть не начисляет свои taxes on income, полученные за границей.

The activities of enterprises are regulated by the laws of Hong Kong companies — Companies Ordinance, cap. 32. In the arsenal of this economic zone there are many concluded agreements on the avoidance of double taxation. (limited and complete).

Registration features:

  • Companies are registered in the form of limited liability companies (Ltd);
  • We will not allow the issue of bearer shares without determining the par value;
  • The amount of the authorized capital has not been determined, as well as the requirements for its payment;
  • Director - at least one, can be a natural or legal person, no residency requirements;
  • Shareholder - also at least one legal or natural person, no residency requirements;
  • Secretary - required, Hong Kong resident, natural or legal person;
  • Information about management persons and shareholders is publicly available, but can be hidden when using nominee service;
  • There are requirements for the annual submission of financial statements and audit;
  • An important requirement is the presence of a registered office in Hong Kong.
  Don't worry!!!

Foreign exchange control and taxation:

Currency control is not provided. Taxation is not provided for income, received outside the territory of Hong Kong. At the same time, the regulatory authorities thoroughly check the sources of profit.. VAT, dividend tax - 0%. Corporate income tax - 16,5%.

In order not to pay taxes, the company should not:

  • carry out the sale of goods;
  • hire employees;
  • conclude and execute contracts;
  • work with suppliers or contractors;
  • transport goods (outside the ports of Hong Kong).

When registering offshore in Hong Kong стоит учесть, that many countries classify this jurisdiction as offshore, and controls in detail the work of companies registered here.

The article was prepared with the support of the http site:// , where you can get more detailed information on questions, set out in it.

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