7 types of tilt in poker according to Jared Tandler

7 types of tilt in poker according to Jared Tandler

It may seem, that the tilt problem is individual, however, in reality, poker players do not differ much from each other psychologically. All individual causes of tilt can be reduced to just 7 the main types and each player, thinking about his tilt, will eventually come to one of them.

First, who decided to systematize and deduce the main reasons for tilt, was Jared Tandler and, having analyzed hundreds of different cases, he was eventually able to combine them all in 7 main types of tilt, described in his book "Poker: mind games". At the same time, he managed to identify the reasons so accurately, that subsequently all players, whom he suggested to find some kind of tilt, which could not be explained by any of these seven reasons, couldn't do it.

The very purpose of highlighting the main reasons for tilt is quite obvious and consists in the following:, that understanding the essence of the problem, the process of getting rid of it will be many times easier and faster. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with 7 types of tilt according to Jared Tandler and realizing the scale of the problem, start solving it with new knowledge.

1. Tilt due to streak of bad luck

No need to be a genius, to understand the essence of this kind of tilt. It is spawned by a lingering streak of bad cards, which can continue during the session, weeks, months or even longer. Certainly, easy to understand, why are you mad during a streak of bad luck, but bad luck plays a secondary role here. The real reason for this tilt is, that players are facing too many tilt triggers in a very short amount of time, and the brain simply cannot handle all these events.

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Under normal circumstances, you only get a few bad beats and mistakes a day., Your brain has time to recover in the next game session. But bad beats and mistakes happen very often during the streak., so tilt piles up day by day, and the longer it goes on, the less time it takes to activate.

At some point, tilt will accumulate in such an amount, that you will experience it even before, how will you play the first hand. To deal with this problem, you need to prevent the accumulation of tilt.

The only way to do this is to eliminate every type of tilt., which accumulates during a streak of bad luck, for example, tilt for injustice and tilt for mistakes, which will be analyzed below.

Advice: Pay close attention to the other six types of tilt - this will allow you to notice their impact on your game in time.

2. Tilt for injustice

Such tilt arises, when you get a bad river for the hundredth time, cooler or badbeat, and it starts to seem to you, that your head is about to explode.

You Can't Believe Your Bad Luck. Bad players outbid you in incredible ways, strong players rink over you, and you get on tilt for thinking, how much money did you lose. You are angry, Feeling, that fortune is unfair to you.

Feelings of injustice are best characterized by this type of tilt..

And while understanding the nature of variance helps to eliminate it, many players at heart still want to control variance, to never lose. Or they do not notice its positive manifestations at all., and therefore it seems to them, that luck never turns to face them. Or they mistakenly believe, that you are in a streak of bad luck, when in reality the reason for their poor results lies in a large number of errors.

Advice: First of all, try to understand the concept of variance and its impact on the game.. Try to be objective and separate out real failures., from wrong decisions.

3. Tilt for not wanting to lose

Losing is common in any competitive environment, but poker in this sense stands apart. Do you know at least one game, in which you have to lose just as often? I do not. But, in spite of this, many players, Losing, experiencing the strongest tilt.

Most of them are people, who love to compete and cannot accept defeat, never mind, how it happened.

The mere fact of losing makes them very angry.. Even if they understand, that variance has a large impact on short-term results, they still can't cope with their defeats. I will emphasize, that the problem is not the desire to compete or the desire to win.

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Advice: The problem with this tilt is, how do you perceive inevitable losses. The wrong reaction to them often makes the situation worse.. Start working on your perception of wins and losses.

4. Tilt because of mistakes

Poker is a game, in which no player, even the strongest in the world, not insured against errors. The problem is not that, that you make mistakes, and in that, why do you scold yourself for this.

Maybe, you feel, what did they know, how to act, but for some reason they played differently, and therefore tilt. You can even curse yourself for making a mistake., which is not - for example, in that case, when you played well, but we're out of luck and you lost. Maybe, you are tilted because, that they made an obvious and gross mistake (of those, which can only be tolerated while on tilt), Not understanding, that it was the tilt that caused the bad decision.

Another common reason for such tilt, surprisingly, irritation from poor play of opponents - for example, when the error, admitted by a strong player, turned out to be a loss of money for you.

There are many reasons to be angry about mistakes., and often players don't even notice this kind of tilt.

Anger over mistakes - whatever the explanation - often indicates your distorted understanding of the learning process.. Many of us have not been taught this, how to learn. Correcting these shortcomings, you will get much closer to eliminating this type of tilt.

Advice: There is nothing more absurd, how to tilt because of the mistakes of opponents, after all, it is they who actually bring you money. Your mistakes are also inevitable., after all, none of us is perfect and that is what matters, how you will perceive them and what conclusions will you make for the future.

5. Tilt out of confidence in his right to win

This type of tilt comes from the belief that, what do you deserve to win.

Simply put, you perceive victory as something, what is rightfully yours, and when some unworthy one takes it away from you, you fall into tilt. "I had to beat this fish", do you think after the session, in which you played perfectly, but lost. “How could you play so bad? How did you end up at my table?», you grumble to yourself, while the opponent is laying out the chips won from you. “Maps don't matter, I can easily replay him ", you subconsciously think, not allowing myself to express it in words.

curious, what people, behaving modestly in ordinary surroundings, in such a state of tilt, they often become very arrogant. Poker reveals this trait in them..

The conviction, that you are such a strong player, that should always win, not only demonstrates your disregard for dispersion, but also a good example of, what overconfidence can lead to.

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Advice: Believing in yourself is a pretty important part of being a poker player., but it is worth getting rid of self-confidence and immediately suppress it. This issue is not often given attention., however, it is overconfidence in poker that can lead to trouble.

6. Tilt for revenge

Thirst for revenge is common in everyday life., so there is no wonder, that this feeling is common in poker. The game gives many reasons to think about revenge.

For example, the other player was particularly aggressive towards you, and you feel disrespectful on his part. Or your opponent thinks he is better than you. Or something about him annoys you as hell. Anyway, you feel, that you need to get even and show, that he has no right to bully you, so you grab every opportunity to play with him in the same pot. Maybe, you even start playing very bad hands against him, sincerely hoping to outbid him and put him on tilt.

Advice: Of course if you're lucky and it works, then your revenge will be sweet. But since in an attempt to annoy the enemy or get your money back, you deviate from the sending strategy, you are often the fool.

7. Tilt out of despair

It may be difficult for the player to notice this feeling., how despair. To find him, need to consider the reasons, encouraging you to play off your bankroll, sit for a long time at the poker table or force a trade. These actions are based on the desire to win back or win immediately., which intensifies so much, that you start to make gross mistakes, turning your EV into negative.

What's worse, you fall into blind rage, and you don't care - you just keep playing. The more money you lose, the more you are willing to take risks, to bring them back, even if for this you have to play against the casino or bet on sports.

Despair tilt is the worst kind of tilt - it's so destructive, what makes successful poker players look like gamblers.

Every player has a trait, at the transition of which such a tilt from a game problem turns into a gambling addiction, requiring special treatment. If you choose to combat the despair tilt with the strategies described in this chapter, then until then, until you have solid evidence of your progress, you must immediately stop playing at the first sign of such a tilt.

Advice: The tilt of desperation can get so strong, what can ruin your poker career, therefore, the process of correcting it must be approached with all seriousness..

Let's sum up

After reading about the seven types of tilt, you, maybe, have already noted those, from which you suffer the most, and are ready to start fixing them. Start working on your psychological side, without postponing problems "for later", after all, over time, misperceptions and bad play habits will only get stronger.

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