6 motivational quotes for traders

№ 1. Find a job you like, and you don't have to work a single day in your life. © Confucius

As old as the world, but damn true. Everyone has such acquaintances, who are happy or, at least, satisfied with their work. On the other hand, most people live on Friday night.

It's worth adding here, what, despite, that many may like to trade for, say, couple of years, sooner or later it can turn into a routine. If you want to continue to "love" to trade, you have to find a way to get new trading experiences all the time, or, at least, have a good work-life balance.

№ 2. I have not been defeated. I just found 10 000 Ways, which don't work. © Thomas Edison

To become a good trader, you don't need to commit yourself 10000 mistakes, instead you can just parse 10000 mistakes of other traders and learn from their experience. By this is meant like reading books, viewing video, and discussion of their own hands on forums and with friends.

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№ 3 - Work like this, like someone works twenty four hours a day, just so you don't get anything. © Mark Kuban

Trading is a marathon. And you have to work on your strategy all the time., over new ideas and lines. After all, if you don't develop, anyone, Sooner or later, will come and take over your place in the sun.

№ 4 – Through 20 yo you will regret more, what didn’t do, than about, what could. © Mark Twain

Each of us has ever regretted the lost chances, be it a girl, which did not have the courage to approach, or a new position, for which I fought a little.

№ 5 - Any task becomes easier, if you divide it into small parts. © Henry Ford

When the bad luck doesn't stop putting a spoke in the wheels, and the deposit is getting smaller every now and then, a cherished plus may seem like an incomprehensible goal. Break it down into smaller tasks, and you will see, how it will make it easier to achieve.

Start disassembling trading multiple trades per day, spend a few hours a day learning math, psychology, etc..

And finally,:

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