33 capable of self-motivation

I felt, that work has become boring and uninteresting. In this regard, I started looking for information to increase motivation and brought out for myself some ways to improve working well-being. Of course, decided to share this with you too.

As always, I recommend looking through each item and analyzing your personal situation, then draw conclusions. Ideal - take notes in the todo list and cross out as you go.

1. Ignore that, what is not important to you

Learning to ignore something is a fantastic thing.. It will do you much more good., than you might think. There should be a subject "Ignore", who should be taught at the university. Distributing attention to many objects at once will only weaken you.. Ignoring that, what doesn't matter, will release energy and help you stay focused and productive. For example, I now have a hard repair on the top and side, at first there was not enough anger, but after a while I learned to abstract from the sound of the drill. Another colleague advised autogenic training. The Google, useful.

2. Try to understand, what bothers you

And avoid it. Things and actions tend to be annoying. But, likewise, like any other state of yours, it can be understood and ways to get rid of it can be determined. Once you understand this, you can easily do it. It takes time, but really worth it.

3. Laugh more often

Watch comedies, read comics. Throw this awful seriousness away. Laughter is a mechanism for preventing and relieving stress. In fact, he quickly gets him out of you.

4. Keep a log of your breakthroughs

Do you remember, when you've achieved something worthwhile in your life? We tend to forget the simple habit of writing down our feelings every time., when we have a big break. Keep a log of your progress. And take inspiration from it.

5. Train

This is the easiest way to motivate yourself.. Just get out of the office, start doing some exercise or just take a short run around the house. It will immediately put your body in order.. Everytime, doing some exercise, you get endorphins. And endorphins are good..

6. Create the right environment for you.

You will not be able to motivate yourself to take action., if you work in an environment, which does not suit you. Change it, complement, improve. No matter, do you work in the office or at home. Whatever the space around you, make it "your" in any way, this will reduce the adaptation time and you will be able to devote more time to the necessary activities. At all, they write a lot about this factor. I change rooms all the time, where do i work, rearrange furniture or even food to another place. It greatly facilitates labor morally.

7. Read success stories

As in other people's success stories. Get inspired. Admire them (without fanaticism). Reading success stories will make success more accessible and fuel your efforts to achieve it.. AND, of course, you can learn to be successful.

8. Switch between tasks

You will get tired of working on one project for a long time. Work fatigue kills motivation. Try some small projects, when you feel, that you are on the verge. Let's not talk about, that switching between tasks will create fresh perspectives for you, but will help solve problems faster.

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9. Measure progress

If you are constantly working, usually, you will make some progress. You might get the impression, that you haven't made any progress, but that's because, that you are missing all those little daily milestones. Look back with satisfaction, what have you created, this, undoubtedly, will boost your energy.

10. Talk about your projects

With friends or family. Let people know, that you are doing something good. This often makes us understand, that we are doing something really good and enjoying it. It also creates a certain level of responsibility., which the, probably, will push you forward.

11. Avoid Energy Vampires

Skeptics, pessimists - they all suck the energy out of you. Don't fall into the grip of such a game, avoid these energy leaks at all costs. Even if it means, that you will isolate more often. Better to get the job done in seclusion, than trying to resist the surrounding vampires. And that, wear a scarf, will not bite right away.

12. Create clear goals

More precisely, write down your goals, because they are already clearly defined in your mind. But take them out of consciousness, put there, where you can always find them and continue to strive for them. Your mind works better, when he knows, what should be done, rather than wasting time realizing it.

13. Exercise Satisfaction

When you have completed some task, reward yourself. Give yourself a prize. No need, to make it especially great, but only for that, to develop a habit. Strive for it, while you work, expect him. After a while, you will become addicted and will not stop., until you receive your coveted prize.

14. Accept defeat

Within this game. Failure, as well as success, is just the result of your actions and nothing more. One of the biggest enemies of motivation is the fear of failure.. Fears of that, that your results will fizzle out. Accept defeat. This is not good, but it does not mean, that you should stop doing that, what are you doing. Work on yourself and hope for the best.

15. Use reminders

Use them as records of your aspirations., goals, current status. Reminders are a very powerful tool, which is greatly underestimated. People find it uncomfortable to write messages to themselves and read them out loud.. News: you do it all the time, unconsciously. So why not do it deliberately? Let's start the morning with a phrase, addressed to ourselves!?

16. Play games

Repeat people. Imitate animals. Imagine, that you are a Sinbad sailor. Games will give rest to your thoughts and, in the same time, gather your powers from secret sources. Good motivation is always mixed with joy.. You can start with a simple game, for example: How to get from point A to point B for 5 random steps.

17. Say no

Say no to entertainment, distractions, Depression. Exercising the word "No" liberates. Too frequent occurrence of a large volume of obligations, makes your life a continuous series of constant chores. Limit your promises, and take just that, what do you really want to end. Then go to the mirror., smile and start politely practicing your no.

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18. Look for positive people

Sadness, whining and complaining don't go well with motivation. Vice versa. However, positive, optimistic, energetic people will always shift your mood swings in the right direction. Look for them, find and become their friend. Sometimes everyone, What do you want, to motivate yourself, - being surrounded by happy people.

19. Difficulty is part of the game

Learn to work under pressure. There are things, which are more difficult, than others. Accept this fact and focus on, what do you need to do, not on your feelings of dissatisfaction. Difficulties often force you to do something.. You can't pull fish out of the pond without difficulty. Every time, when you feel, that something will be difficult to do, you, usually, more motivated to do it. The reward will be higher.

20. Arrange competitions with yourself

Challenging yourself - short-term goals, usually 15-90 days. Something like that, to start an exercise or create a habit from scratch in 15 days. This kind of competition strengthens your inner spirit as well., how exercise strengthens muscles. The more you do, the more you feel motivated to do more.

21. Choose positive motivation

When you motivate yourself, do your best, to keep motivation on the positive side, which is originally aimed at helping you. As opposed to negative motivation, which mainly instills fear in you. Negative motivation works the same way, only it acts much less, than positive.

22. Get rid of your "fears"

As in any person, you have "fears", and some of them are quite unfavorable for you. They won't let you do that, what are you up to. The worst is, that most of the time they work outside of your consciousness and at the same time it is quite difficult to fight them. Just accept it, know about it and get rid of them. You will feel better. But that's the question, rather, willpower.

23. Follow your personal mission

You need to have a personal mission. If you don't have it, quickly find some. Strengthening your personal mission at specific intervals - definitely, one of the greatest motivators. It's like looking at a map and being able to see at any time, where are you at, how much should you go and which path to take.

24. Spend time outside

If you can do something creative, like gardening or landscaping, it's even better. But nothing terrible will happen even if you do not know how to do it.. Spending time outdoors purifies indoor air. When will you come back, everything will be fresher and more shiny. And something fresh is always a pleasant motivator..

25. Keep your inner world clean

This is one of several GTD concepts, which I still adhere to, and she is a great motivator. A clean inner world helps an easier train of thought. And an easy train of thought allows me to be unencumbered by any worries.. This is often the only thing, what do i need in order, to start doing something.

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26. Don't strive for excellence

Soon it will drain you. Striving to be better is a real game. Perfection is a dead end, nothing happens after reaching it. Recognition of that, that you can be better, instead of, to consider yourself perfect, leaves some room for growth. And that means, you have a reason to do more. And this is what we usually call motivation., Really?

27. Do one thing at a time

Multitasking is a myth. Even computer processors don't multitask, it's just that, what do we see. Instead, they have one frequency and several parallel information control buses., creating a kind of multitasking activity. Multitasking creates internal conflicts, as in the human body, and in the computer. You, eventually, spend more time resolving these conflicts, than the work itself.

28. Keep reading then, what inspires you

Keep on listing that, what inspires you. Quotes, blog posts, Books - all, anything. You Can Start With 100 Ways To A Better Life, for example.

29. Put on some good music

Just let her play, hovers around you, don't turn it up loud. It should be loud enough to create a pleasant atmosphere.. Music controls parts of consciousness, which you cannot logically control, she is so strong, which can completely lift your mood in a second. The only thing, the best, than silence is good music.

30. Don't fall into the productivity trap

No matter, how much do you do, important only, how significant is this. Doing something just to fill your notebook with tasks will not give you motivation.. On the other hand, when you do something meaningful, your organizational skills will help you.

31. Don't look at life through rose-colored glasses

Your camera lens may be blurry, but you may not know about it. Therefore, you will get the same picture over and over again., what stops you and prevents you from moving forward. Sometimes everyone, what you need to do is take off your rose-colored glasses. It takes courage, but worth it.

32. Clean up the house

I know, you need motivation for this too, but, believe me, it's a great way to get rid of internal junk. Cleaning Your Home Is More Than Just Cleaning, this is a necessity. Your path of action can be littered with rubbish as well., like your gender. And cleaning it up will give your thoughts a go again.

33. Stop reading this and get to work.

Your reading chores will not be fulfilled on their own. Inspiration is a good motivator, but don't abuse it. Now, when you are full of energy, it's time to get back to work. Certainly, you can bookmark this entry for the next motivation sessions, but for now just get to work.

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