17 of things, which I would like to hear before, how did you start trading on the stock exchange

Trade fewer stocks at the same time
Don't try to imitate your idols , trading 15 shares at the same time. Thus, you will only make more mistakes and will not be able to effectively lead the position..

Take your time
Growth by limits is not a race. Slow, but the right approach is always more successful. This does not mean, what do you need to reject 1000 shares at each limit, before thinking about moving to a higher limit, but you have to be sure, that you do not exceed the risks that you can afford.

Register on the training site
I don't want to sound biased, since I blog myself, this is a very good site with great thoughts and rules. Nevertheless, there are many other training sites. So look for the one, which suits you best, see video и делайте заметки на них. If you are trading scalping, what's the point of watching a video about penny stocks? These strategies have absolutely nothing in common.. In addition, you cannot watch videos as passively., like some TV show. You get exactly that much, how much do you invest. Take notes, ask questions to trainers on the forum.

Create your own trading circle.
Finding friends can be very helpful in improving your trading.. It's always good to know people, who are better than you in a specific area. You will never get useful information from people worse.. Find friends on forums and elsewhere. Have joint sessions.

Don't waste a lot of time on forums.
Overall I would say, that all the forums widely known today are practically useless. There is a lot of misinformation on them, spam and pointless strife. In my opinion, much better to sit in small forums, communicating with talented people, dedicated to their cause.

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To read Books
I think, that even in 2014 books are still valuable. Some have helped me develop the right mindset..

Parse sessions
At the beginning of your career, it is very helpful to take your sessions apart.. It's easy to go astray, when things don't go according to plan, and you make the wrong decisions. Analyze your trade decisions regularly, и проверяйте, how often your current knowledge is translated into transactions. Analysis of trading sessions during long drawdowns is also vital..

Take your time to become a professional
Sooner or later, many people are struck by the thought of quitting their regular job and starting to earn stocks.. Nevertheless, Trading не такая «идеальная работа», as many think. Careful planning and foresight are vital here..

Move to another country (or travel)
This is also not for everyone, but one of the benefits of making a living trading is independence. You can work from anywhere in the world as long as, as long as you have a laptop and decent internet access. Sometimes a change of scenery can be very helpful., and let you meet like-minded people.

Many people like to sit on forums and talk about the market.. There are guys like that, which leave about 5k messages per year. Don't be like them. Good traders have one thing in common – them, usually, not found on the forum. And it is right, they spend most of their time, trading and analyzing, instead of talking about him.

No distractions
Treat trading like a business. You can't mix your shopping time with Skype conversations, by correspondence on Facebook, форумах, телефонными звонками, watching the last episode of your favorite TV series. All this can wait. When you trade, there should only be you, stock и любое программное обеспечение. Lock yourself in the room, leave only the terminal on your computer and do your best, so as not to be distracted!

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Do not chat
Seriously, do not waste your time on this. The market plays with your emotions masterfully. Some of the most meaningless and vehement discussions in human history, maybe, passed in the chat window. Always turn this bullshit off and focus on making money.

Don't think about the market in the context of money
When you first get to know the market, you must trade, feel passion and desire to develop. However, for most people, the primary desire is to know., what is their hourly rate. This way you won't succeed. Trade for the love of the market and money will come to you over time. If you need a regular salary, go to work in the office.

Watch yourself
In today's world, you have to fight for every opportunity to get at least some advantage.. You must exercise regularly, eat healthy food and sleep well. Consider this profession, as a sport. If you usually play tired, with a hangover, в плохом настроении, hungry, etc. you and your winrate are showing negative results.

Never trade drunk
When drunk, your emotional control and ability to make reasoned decisions are severely affected.. You put yourself at a huge disadvantage.. Finally, all this can end very sadly.

Hire a coach
Person, who knows better than you in trading, can look behind you, when do you trade, will always help you in your development. Even if he only sees one small mistake, in the long run it can save you a lot of money. However, not all coaches are created equal.. Always make sure, that the coach is really experienced. Real trainers don't need fancy ads.

Believe in the long term
The market will drive you crazy on a regular basis.. And that's ok. but, as soon as you fully realize, that the result of one session, several sessions or even a whole month does not mean anything, you will come to the correct understanding of this profession. Hone this skill, and you will have a huge advantage.

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