"100 secrets of the richest and most famous or How to become a billionaire"

 100 тайн самых богатых и знаменитых или Как стать миллиардером Who doesn't know Ford today, Apple Computer, Microsoft? What do we know about people, who created them? How geniuses differ from ordinary people? Inborn qualities or talent, as is commonly believed? Is nature really more important than education, and heredity prevails over social factors?

It could seem, what is not, if you consider the life stories of such great people. The similarities in life experience and behavioral characteristics of these titans of progress are simply amazing.. Although this completely separate group of personalities has differences in addition to common features, which are set out in great detail and in detail.

Filled with stunning life stories, Igor Dobrotvorsky's book reveals secrets, allowing you to increase your wealth and raise your business acumen to the level of a tycoon. The manual describes the methods, beliefs and behavior, which an ordinary business person should understand and accept, financial aspirant. This book,in fact, - a guide for success, fun exciting reading for everyone, interested in wealth and its origins. This book is for the winners, so having her, - it is already impossible for you not to be.


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