10 tips for success and efficiency for a trader

1) Learn and improve your knowledge:

Choose this way of learning, which suits you perfectly:

  • Смотреть больше video?
  • Write down thoughts, analyzing trade often?
  • Take an active part in forums?
  • Trade very carefully and learn from other traders?

A good start would be to take part in a discussion on some forum and study the training material there.. Choose the best and, immediately, start learning. Be persistent and stick to your schedule. Familiarize yourself with the related software and learn how to use it effectively.

You want to be a confident earning trader? Your time = money. Spending time honing strategy = investing in future profits. Strive to get the most out of this investment. Try different things, find out, how it works, and use them in trading accordingly.

Personally, I learn by choosing the best strategies., try to find out, why are they better, and then I parse trades after the session. Different traders have different approaches to learning.

2) Mode and planning:

Make up your regimen. Start with something simple and add new things, leaving that, what works and throwing something out, what is not. Set a goal for yourself, not too simple, but not too difficult to achieve. Measure your progress, when you get to a certain landmark. Learn from your experience and move on, constantly repeating the material covered.

Schedule your training and trading. Purposeful effort is much more expensive than casual effort.

Determine the best time to trade for yourself. Plan your daily life this way, to give all the best at this time.

Documenting your steps, it will be easier for you to keep track of your own progress.

I have saved very detailed files with my goals and progress. Now all my daily activities are strictly regulated by the schedule..

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3) Chat and follow the news:

Find one or more friends, who would be much more experienced than you, and discuss trade with them, or add to private groups on Skype. Follow market trends, read the news about the economy, collect on the Internet as much information as possible about, what is going on with the market in general.

4) Video:

Register on any training site, which provides learning videos, this is the perfect investment. Also, such sites often have accessible forums..

5) Main game:

Consciously choose your main trading style. Focus on it and start developing. I think, that only, specializing in something specific, significant gains can be made. Choose that style, which would suit you best, considering your psychology. But don't stop at just one, explore other strategies. Personally, I chose Dayreading, starting trading in prope. But that doesn't mean, what you just need to adhere to the basic style, I experiment a lot and develop for example now Swing trading and options. This gives good results and diversification for the future..

6) Be extremely focused:
Do not trade automatically, do not be lazy, try to make decisions very carefully. Close in contacts, одноклассники, mail agents, skype and stuff. Inform relatives and friends (friends, neighbors, family, etc.), so that they do not bother you, If yes, then only in extreme cases. If you have trouble concentrating in trading, or time management in general, try this utility to block unwanted sites.

7) Financial component:
Make the right financial decisions.
Here are some things, Do's and Don'ts:
  • Don't lend people money to trade, even if you know them well and can afford it.
  • Find the best rates for your shopping style.
  • Don't pay big commissions.
  • Don't be a fish in real life in relation to money, even if their chickens do not peck at you.
  • Be very careful, doing business with anyone. If you exchange money, try to do so, so that that person, who are you doing business with, sent them first and always inquire with him first.
  • Keeping money online is always risky (Brokers may close, your accounts can be hacked, etc.). Don't risk more than that amount, which you are ready to pull in case of something.
8) Risk management:
Excessive waste of money – one of the ways to lose your deposit. Reducing costs early in your career, you increase future income, as this will allow you to move up the limits much faster. Follow sound risk management, but do not limit yourself at all from forays to the limit above. In this case, you must have a special strategy and stop loss.
9) Teaching:
If you feel, that you are not developing, maybe, you should seek the services of a coach, there are many options. Coach may charge hourly wages, you can agree on a certain amount or result, reaching which, will be considered, that you have completed this training step. The trainer must be an earning trader, in which you want to gain knowledge or a strong theorist. When you reach higher limits, где не соблюдение мани менеджмента будет грозить большими потерями, возможно понадобятся тренера по психологической части. Read relevant literature Friends of the group will also always help to discuss something or help with mutual training..

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10) Try your best!
Don't stop there! Trade and don't let yourself relax. Лучшими становятся те, who works on himself 24 o'clock.
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