10 best advice for investor and trader

1. Markets are cyclical
Many newbies panic and quit crypto trading after the first market crash. Yes, it crashes periodically, but you shouldn't worry about this - as a result, it rises back every time.

2.Distinguish the trading style
Important care, that a trader buys an asset for a short time and sells it at a profit, and an investment is a long-term investment, designed to become a source of income in the future.

3.Be sure to have a plan.
You can't enter the market without a plan - you need to decide on goals, make a plan and stick to it.

4. Don't trust offers that are too good
The market is full of scammers. If you see an incredibly profitable offer, most likely, they are trying to cheat you. Algorithms do not sleep

5. Buy and don't sell, if you invest
Мно­гие ин­ве­сто­ры пы­та­ют­ся за­ра­ба­ты­вать, buy at a minimum and sell, when the situation starts to improve. The commission can take a significant part of the profit.

6. Choose advisors carefully
Beginner traders and investors are often wrong, following other people's advice. The opinion of a professional should be taken into account, but you do not need to blindly agree with him - study the situation and make your own decision. По­сле­до­вав дур­но­му со­ве­ту, you will blame someone (but not yourself), but it will not return the money.

7. Don't trust the news
The market lives, something always happens on it, and in an attempt to predict the near future, people often come up with news, and contradictory analytics are a dime a dozen. Ignore the press and draw your own conclusions. Follow the history

8. Learn to manage risk
Risk management is a useful skill. It will allow you to make a profit, even if you go wrong and lose half of your initial investment.

9. Study the behavior of price and trading volume - they can say a lot
If you follow the price and trading volume of an asset, much can be said about the near future.

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10. Don't be afraid to be wrong
Mistakes happen to everyone, and even with traders one cannot be sure, what made the right choice. But don't let that bother you - any mistake, this is an experience.

11. Don't try to understand the market
The market is not rational, and often he behaves in completely unexpected ways. Пред­ска­зать, what will happen tomorrow, невоз­мож­но: it can fall in the middle of an uptrend and vice versa. You just need to come to terms with this.

12. Know how to step aside
Some assets simply do not have potential - if the asset price continues to fall and the trading volume does not grow either, it's better to forget about such an investment.

13. If you miss a good opportunity, this is not the end of the world.
The market is a living creature with its own character, so be sure, all the fun will happen, when you don't see it. It could be a deep night or a moment, when you are swimming in the pool or having lunch, you will inevitably miss something, but you shouldn't be upset about this, because a new opportunity is already waiting for you.

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