His sounds.

One of the most distinctive phenomena of Russian rock in the 80s, along with the Aquarium, Zoo, etc..
Group & quot; Sounds of Mu"  and its leader Petr Mamonov, surprisingly, from Moscow, Where is, practically, there was nothing interesting, except for the lyrical traditional `` Time Machines and Resurrections" and dull boring heavy metal like Black Coffee and Aria..
The first time I heard them in Vilnius was somewhere in the late 80s at the Lituanika rock festival. It would seem that after the Leningrad rock, nothing can surprise, but this performance just turned my mind upside down…. :)

Accidentally found their live concert on YouTube 1988 year in LDM. Despite the fact that I am already completely uninteresting to listen to music, still watched the whole concert in full and did not regret it at all :)

  Second seminar by Anatoly Radchenko(3 parts)
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