
food began to gradually get stuck at the junction of the teeth, well, I'm cleaning with a dental floss, decided to show myself just in case. a little bit, the seal would need to be replaced (By the way, in the district clinic absolutely free of charge). the doctor said nothing to worry about, teeth in excellent condition, not even a hint of tartar…

and now for statistics: I – как истинный бережливый trader, for the last two years I have been brushing my teeth with exceptionally cheap toothpaste a la “new pearl” in the morning after breakfast (the price tag is not higher than 25-30 rubles in the store) and tooth powder “mint” or “особый” in the evening (price tag 11-15 rubles).

conclusions can be drawn!

why cheap, and not at least a worn-out lacquer? because, that I am convinced – pour everything from one barrel… just marketing, such marketing.

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