magazine of transactions from Sergey Silantyev

found a very powerful log template for keeping statistics. адаптирован под NYSE, but also works great for Russian markets. самую свежую версию автор раздаёт тут
everything is simple – on the first sheet, white fields with transaction details are filled in, and on the rest of the sheets, excel calculates the stat itself…
I will list a few goodies of statistics: at what time is the best result in transactions, dependence of profit on being in a position in time, best trading day of the week – and worst trading day of the week, dependence of profit on the number of transactions, dependence of profit on the volume of the pose… и много чего еще!

some screenshots for clarity – clickable (the results are not mine:)) :

ps: одним словом – the strongest thing! at first glance, from the opening it may seem difficult, но это только на первый взгляд – everything is provided with descriptions… вот по этой ссылке есть пример заполненного журнала с параметрами сделок

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