

Live me, живой)

I know that I stopped displaying creatives… I'll tell you why)
In short, everyone knows, that I am an avid gamer in the past… but as soon as he came to the exchange – stopped playing at all.. I had enough emotions and sports interest here.)) 3 I haven't launched any toy at all…

А тут… )))))))))))))))))))))))) well, you get the idea)))))
Che is surfing in the net.. clicked on the banner… I'm looking at some kind of online toy… let me think I'm kidding… Поприкалывался… already 70 LVL!! BUGAGA)
Well, what)) I don't scalp anymore.. I work on days – watches. Monitor at my 4 ( computer with monik + monik and laptop + monik), so it doesn't interfere with trading.
And by the way, it's not something that would not interfere, and even vice versa)))) Deals, which were committed from impatience disappeared altogether! This is when you sit, you don't fucking understand.. but in the cache to sit somehow in a lokhovski) AND… in general, everyone knows everything further)))

And by the way, wait for profit from an open position – it finally became without any problems.. because. I don’t follow every tick and I don’t react convulsively to every tick.

One thing is bad.. не знаю почему, but the creativity on the account of the exchange disappeared altogether.. Some kind of side effect(((
What a toy? It's like WOW LA… called CABAL ONLINE. I chose it by chance.. so you don't have to write an opinion about her) So far it suits me)

I write in LJ trades occasionally… I write only when the confidence is quite high..


By the way, I have an American demo account, which I keep track of every day, since the beginning of my return to the forts – у меня появился устойчивый растущий тренд доходности.. 3 there was no month, there was only a down trend.. .and here such things. In general, if it goes on like this – in a few months it will be possible to return to America)) Yes.. this of course will be an event. But I will prepare thoroughly for him.. Not with your confidence, but the real results of my strategy. The results in real life will not differ from the demo.. because. I enter-exit clearly by signals. Step to the left, шаг в право – firing squad. I have entered on signals before, the problem was only in money management. Of course there were real problems with him., but when also the strategy stopped working there – I immediately stopped trading.


In general, such things…)

Another p.S.))
By the way, Phoenix and Yesin are also avid gamers, who doesn't know)) I kada lived with Phoenix for a couple of days – convinced of this)

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