Of course it is sad…

… that yesterday's bulls were not punished in the Russian Federation. Give out at good prices. Up to 143K has fallen short of short – too rested. I will re-upload. Seems to be – double top will be drawn, so from 146000 repopulate – the most it will be, if there are no surprises in the evening, certainly.

What is your attitude towards numerous success coaches. In business, personal life, self-improvement? Not, all phrases, spoken in a cheerful voice, they are correct, in theory, and should motivate, and I am often ready to subscribe under every word, but it's all too rote, standardized, whether…
Once read a good comparison of a man to an amoeba. Hungry amoeba – moving, looking for food. Fed up – strives for peace. So is the man. Only now I noticed this feature. When everything seems to be fine, and you can finally relax and indulge in hedonism, some event happens, deducing an individual, or a society from a dormant state, requiring exertion, finding solutions. As if the universe has laid some kind of mechanism, not allowing you to relax, inducing constant movement, development… Do you still believe, that you will spend the rest of your life with a glass of wine under a palm tree in the company of a blonde and a brunette (or two macho), without thinking about anything? Or someone there will discover the mechanism of immortality, your brain separates from the body, and placed in “matrix”?

  To work!
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