Memorable OPGs

Thursday promised to be a very calm day because Friday stock exchange did not work and were ahead 3 weekend, but even on such a day I found myself adventure :)

I decided to buy Ritz, although I always sold them, but good news came out WFC and all finances flew to heaven even at the premarket, and the Ritz stood and did not move.
Otoslav basketball shopping for 5 min before opening, I thought that I could cut more money and increased my positions by 50% . The position is tangible :)

The market opened and the fun began, all Ritz opened fucked up как плохо, right after 40With started to lose, I only got glory to God 5 Shares, the rest was canceled. Later a minute from opening i was losing half of what you earned in March :( it lasted only 10 seconds, but I had enough emotions for the whole day. Slowly the situation began to improve and I entered flat , and then plus, I immediately covered profit. Intraday I never traded, decided not to risk it after this.

Came out not very big buy, and after the update I bought Ritz and finance for all BP. They flew up without looking back, sorry not much went , but until closing. I decided not to send orders, а забрать прибыль. As it turned out later , it was the right decision because. closed everything very badly and my profit could turn into a loss.

Results :
This day I have lost the most in all time, but I was lucky and at the end of the trading day I closed well, earned half of March :)

Trade date : 09 April 2009

  Day trading for 2 Martha
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