Why a successful trader needs a seminar?

I liked the article.. for beginners super. To everyone who plans to live off trading, I recommend reading)) 
If you do not have a passive source of income, then you have to be a little tight. I would not recommend even starting.

For example, fairly optimistic conditions.. not everyone initially has this “hopefully:

As Aristotle Onassis used to say, "The hardest thing is to make the FIRST million dollars."…

I took the average trader and I counted, how much will he earn. For those, who still draws yachts and islands in their dreams will be very useful!

Let's imagine this situation:


  1. Успешный trader с работающей системой, дающей 70% per year without reinvestment.
  2. A woman, Small child, another one in the plans.
  3. Foreign car before 1 million. rubles, accommodation for 5 million. rubles.
  4. Broker account 2 million. rubles


  1. How much does a trader earn per month?
  2. How much remains for account growth?
  3. How a trader can increase his income?

1. Well, how much dough will be?

Let's deal with earnings - this is the easiest way. so, so far we have no reinvestment
2000000*0,7*0,87 = 1 million. 218 thousand. rubles per year or on average 102 тыс.р. per month.

2. Will the account increase?

To find out, how much will remain for growth, need to calculate costs. I will think so, how much do i spend. I shop at an inexpensive hypermarket once a week, nothing exotic - except that goat products for my wife, while the child is still feeding. You don't need to drive a lot - about 40 km per day. We rarely go to the cinema and restaurants - we use weekends to visit grandparents. We are such family guys. On vacation once a year. All in all, normal average family, who does not indulge herself with luxury, but does not skimp on comfort.

  The reason for the loss in Slovenia ...

1) Food & Household = 20 т.р.
2) Gasoline and car wash = 5 т.р.
3) CASCO + OSAGO + MOT + other = 72/12 = 6 т.р.
4) Rent + phone + internet = 6 т.р.
5) Baby expenses = 6 т.р.
6) Vacation once a year = 120/12 = 10 т.р.
7) clothing, cosmetics and other crap = 5 т.р.
8) Entertainment = 6 т.р.
9) Gifts = 5 т.р. (actually 10t.r., but we have this special article)

Surely forgot something, so also +10%. (20+5+6+6+6+10+5+6+5)*1,1= 76 t.r..

Theoretically, it remains 26 т.р. per month for account growth. We recalculate the profitability taking into account reinvestment. We assume, that the account grows by 70/12 = 5,83% per month and withdraw from the account every month 76 / 0.87 = 87 thousand. rubles.
Зачем успешному трейдеру семинарить?
Answer to the second question: the account grows by 430 т.р. per year in ideal conditions.

To change the aging Opel Astra to some Mercedes at least C-class you need 2 years to work. And through 2 of the year the bill will be again 2 million.

To improve living conditions, you need to work for five years - and again count 2 million.

But you have to give birth to another child (200 thousand), buy a dacha (5000 thousand) or at least annually shoot for the summer (200 thousand), teach my wife to drive and buy her a car (well, it all depends on imagination, but modestly 500 thousand).

All in all, no yachts-planes-steamers. There is a common salary in 102 т.р. per month, which increases every year by 20%.

3. How to increase income?

well, as a matter of fact, this question is decided by everyone for himself. Someone continues to work, what is called, "Uncle", like me. Someone seminar. Someone Sells Trading Systems. Someone takes in DU.

Why this post?

Because there are so many rogues, who scream: “Successful traders don’t take to the remote control - they have enough of their own dough!"" Successful traders do not seminar - they already earn a lot, why else is this headache!" etc.
Seminars are the easiest for a trader to conduct - the process of teaching other people organizes the information in your head - and even brings money.

  Fundamental analysis

And they shout such nonsense, who has never tried to "live with trading", who has never counted, how much can you still earn with this craft.

Ideally, for operating expenses you need to earn monthly in the industry, not related to investment results. And trading is for yacht-aircraft-steamers:) After all, if you do not take your salary every month, it looks much more interesting.!:)

Good luck! And don't bury yourself.

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