& quot; For or against & quot;: Stock market of Ukraine

The domestic stock market has long been more of an object for ridicule, than a tool for raising capital. And if the debt market is slowly functioning and developing, then the stock market in general was on the verge of survival.

All this is supported by the strange behavior of the state market regulator NSSMC, who often makes conflicting decisions, and even more often does not accept any and the work of the & quot; Ukrainian Stock Exchange & quot;, which does everything, to destroy the classic stock market and turn it into a bunch of speculators, who trade in derivatives. It's not even FOREX anymore – fundamental factors play a role in it.

Based on all this, & quot; The real economy" decided to ask questions, and whether Ukraine needs its own stock market at all, if it is of no use, and he periodically creates problems.


  Bank Avangard
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