

As they say, trindec. Person, ostensibly, 20 years in the market, and still, like a newbie, believes he can predict the future part of the chart. And the main thing, если некоторые, (let's not point a finger) иногда в шутку "угадывают", like `` I told you so '', then everything is serious here and try to argue that you simply guessed one of two possible options — take offense and call him a troll. After all, he, Sort of,  clairvoyant…. :)
Although, что тут говорить, Over there (on Smartlabe) every second believes that schedule it is necessary to predict and if you have not guessed the direction, then you don't trader, a sucker and a loser :)

  my_trade @ 2010-10-30T16:40:00
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