Yandex made an official statement about the IPO at the end of May

Management "Yandex»Announced that, that at the end of May will place the company's shares at American stock exchange NASDAQ. The required application to the commission USA on securities already filed. В начале следующей недели Yandex starts pre-marketing primary placement Shares, as reported by Reuters, citing three sources in the financial market.
Largest shareholders Yandex found themselves, according to the prospectus to IPO companies, not founders Arkady Volozh or Ilya Segalovich, а фонд Baring Vostok Capital Partners, who invested in a search engine in 2000 $5,28 million. Now the shares of the company's shareholders are distributed as follows: Baring Vostok Capital Partners — 22,6%, from Arkady Volozh - 14,67%, at Ilya Segalovich - 3,07%, in American Foundation Tiger Global 20,5% Shares, yet 5,13% shares - from UFG.

For today, the score "Yandex»Is $6-9 billion, the sale is planned during the initial placement 10-20% Shares companies. According to the aforementioned avenue, в I квартале 2011 G. revenue "Yandex"Made 3,9 billion. rub. (of them 3.8 billion. make up advertising revenue), profit - 820 million. rub. Almost all revenue was received from advertising sales - 3,8 billion. rub. Of these, the lion's share (3,47 billion. rub.) brought contextual advertising, 328 million. rub. - media.

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