I was wrong

Not so long ago, summing up the results of the month, i wrote, that there is no desire cut down quick dough. Apparently this is not entirely true. It's about the scalping nature of my trades. How fast profit-taking differs from "cutting down quickly"? For two weeks I have been writing that I should be short, short… I write specific goals. As a result, from 600 points of movement took about 30. Well, not fucked up?

The roots of the problem, of course, lie elsewhere. To overclock a small account, you need to use huge shoulders (read big risks). And with high risks, every tick against you is a huge stress.. And when the position becomes profitable, I think: "Uh, carried away "and close faster. BUT! Stsuko, Max! This is not what the trader is paid for!


1. The trader is paid to, that he knows how to wait. Knows how to wait for the moment to enter a position and (what is more important to me) knows how to wait for the moment to exit. If trader can't wait - fuck him (to me), not profit!

2. The trader is paid to, that he knows how to objectively assess the situation in conditions of fucking psychological stress. In a fit of panic and doubt, a trader must make decisions and act! Otherwise, not only will nothing work, and most likely will lose.

Wait for the moment to enter, I'm more or less successful. But with the release - full peh.

After entering a position, maintaining composure is not about me.. I remember the trade very well.. Lena asked something like “what do you think should go?», and I said straight out loud: I think, I can no longer objectively assess the situation. True, there was a load on almost all shoulders and a maximum drawdown of the position 35%, but this does not change the essence. Exam not passed. crap yourself. I couldn't.

  All this jazz

Now I enter a position with the minimum lot, but still sykatny, already kick-ass! I can't either 15 minutes in a position to sit ): Gotta do something about it. Somehow it is necessary to treat it.

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