Maitrade Hedge Foundation

Maitrade Hedge Foundation

Fullers Pub'e is clearly adding something to the beer, because I came up with a brilliant idea)) Thanks, пришедшему [info]conforgery))
At least everyone has already laughed at me, но всё же))):

I will tell, which I will have a fund, when the time comes.
И уверяю вас, it will differ from all existing ones and there will be no official analogues in the world ))

I will raise a very worn-out topic, but I will give it a finished shape)

Losers in the market. They will always be. This is an axiom. 95% people drain the first bill. And in forex and all the rest)) I will bet not on professionals, but for losers. They all drain more, how you can earn by stable low-risk trading))

I know several people, which are doomed to a stable loss on the stock exchange.. and they won't learn to trade NEVER.. People have been trading on the stock exchange for several years.. on 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years and only do, that money is losing. I believe, that these people are much more valuable than any professional))

If you diversify, and automatically make reverse transactions, отслеживая, say, 50 the most complete losers – then the profit will be always and stable. Yes, maybe someone will be lucky in the moment, but the rest salute to the love)) And that one, who earned will merge later too)) Но смысл в том, what 50 human, who have always lost cannot make a lot at the same time))) Now, if it were a team of professionals – then it would be quite possible, but it never happens to losers))))

Moreover, their real losses(for myself) do not limit your profits (from reverse transactions) .. you can calculate your lot yourself)) Лузеры дают лишь сигналы на открытие\закрытие позиции))))

  The bears went their separate ways...

You can actually select people.. let them confirm the statement, that they really lose money for several years and no changes are expected :))

Main selection criteria (by the statement are determined elementary):

  • Stable downward trend in equity
  • Or slow, unstable upward trend with regular arriving black swans)))
  • Averaging losses
  • Large leverage
  • Increased activity on unprofitable days
  • Keeping profitable positions short
  • Long time of losing positions
  • Increasing the lot after or during unprofitable periods and decreasing(or fixing) lots on profitable days.
  • No scalping. Better positional day trading (to minimize the impact of slippage and commission)
  • (when doing all of the above) Regular addition of cash to the depot, and the more the amount, all the better.

I believe, that by opening reverse trades for these people, you can earn MORE and LONGER, than any successful trader.. successful ones will merge anyway ..
Because according to statistics:

  • Systems and approaches that generate high income OFTEN  suddenly become not прибыльными
  • Consistently losing approaches with huge account losses NEVER become consistently profitable))
  • Profitable periods and huge profits only undermine discipline, what contributes to the reversal by equity (further stability in question)
  • Losing periods and huge losses only cause depression, acting out syndrome, distorted market perception. Equity reversal is not conducive (in a profitable direction), maximum – decrease in lot and temporary (!) ограничение убытков (further stability – 99%) .

Quarterly analysis of the deals of losers, “trading for the fund”, help weed out those, who has already got out of “main selection criteria”.. и может, God forbid, earn something for yourself, which will lead to losses of the fund :)

You ask, НО ВЕДЬ, IF THEY WILL KNOW, WHAT THEIR TRANSACTIONS TRACK and they need to be stable “merge” – then THEIR TRADE WILL CHANGE! And it will not be the same as before, which means unpredictable!
well…. я согласен. Therefore, you can do it like this, whatever they know about it))) Любой крупный broker УЖЕ может отобрать у себя нужный сегмент трейдеров.. and use them on the sly))))  But I'm not a major broker, so i have my plan))

I will first create my own brokerage office (it will be the backbone of the hedge fund).. But its difference from all other offices is that, what's mine WILL PARTLY COVER DAMAGES OF CLIENTS, while profitable – TAKE A PART OF THE PROFIT)) uhahaha)
Ie. it will work like this:
Минимальный счет – 50 000p.
– Fucked 15 000p? (30% from a depot) – тебе 10 000p will be restored at the end of the month) (I made money on it) More 10 000-15 000p losses are not returned for example). This is the limit)).
– Earned 15 000p and more? Give 5000r to the broker (I lost it)  :)

Total: it will be the perfect broker, for all losers, who fucks steadily, but wants to trade further, “until he learns”. And to all newbies, with small bills, by the way too) And profitable traders will not be profitable there.

And therefore, I will have the quintessence of the most loser segment of traders
countrywide, who will make me a cheerleader!!!!!


And you don't need to tell me, that unprofitable systems on backtesting do not give profit in reverse trades… It can be in some kind of the same algorithms (although it's still hard for me to imagine).. но тут идет речь про интуитивный Trading..  Стабилен лишь результат, not an algorithm of entries and exits from a position…
All in all, if you backtest my unprofitable CME state for an arbitrary period and say, that you would not earn on reverse trades with slippage – I will write publicly, that I am a complete nubar!

I think I know why I was invited to work in Moscow… :))))))))))))

Из камментав)):
“I wonder if the losers themselves can invest in you?” (with) i_kuklev


here you go ((
They called Maitrade a bastard, instead of, what would be an investor in the fund :)
Ну и ладно)) since no one believes in this – then it really will work) It only increases my chances)
I'll make a couple of lamb – you will know who is right!))))

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