Wild bear capital: isystems.com

For traders, willing to try “anything else”)).
Or for investors… at least it will be BETTER, than to give someone in DU on smartlabik.

One hell of a chance 99% will trade on your money line by line)) Or even worse…

Information: https://isystems.wildbearcapital.com/
Strategies: https://wildbearcapital.com/vse-strategii/

This is a service, giving access to more than 400 AUTOMATED trading systems, which passed all tests, checks, etc. from the Isystems themselves.
AND THIS IS NOT FOREX! It's all clean, open, officially, legally and without it ####and. CME Exchange.

I recommend listening to some recordings from our TeamSpeak, which sometimes A looks. Kuznetsov, aka wildbearcapital:

It is important to clarify immediately about what has been said 2 details:
1) Not all systems passed NFA audit, and the Isystems platform itself
2) For the "absence of slippage" meant server execution, which eliminates the "absence of increased slippage".

And an opinion on the topic of fears about, that the US could block your brokerage accounts due to sanctions against Russia).

Wildbearcapital: isystems.com

Last question: where does Wildbearcapital?
They have studied this service and recommend to their clients, therefore those. support is more advanced on this issue, than other brokers.
Even dedicated people are allocated, who can choose a strategy for you according to your requests and explain why it is better to use the chosen strategies, and not others.

 Here are some good strategies:

  SPX and the Ukrainian market
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