Bribes and traffic police

 What is better to pay a traffic cop or to be strictly according to the law?
Having lived abroad for a long time, I came to the conclusion, that it is better for a driver to have a Russian system. For example, fines in the USA are high plus insurance is growing for violations.
After all, if no one gives the traffic cops, then they will issue fines for the slightest violation, as an incomplete stop at STOP, solid line crossing , improper maneuvering and so on. Will cost more.
Here's an example from American life.. I started driving one new car, which clearly stood out from the rest and one " American traffic cop" clearly began to dislike me and guard me not far from home. He was catching me 3 times with the radar for speeding. And once insolently tracked me down( and I saw. that he spotted me and watched him in the rear mirror). Let me go away, and then caught up on the highway and slapped a ticket for that, that I was driving close to the traffic in front. Now listen to the following:
For a little speeding it may be 2 ball for driving license, but for a short distance to the vehicle in front 6 Points. For speeding over , less than 50km / hour give 6 points and for short distance. Little of, you don't just need to pay a fine in addition to points( behind 12 points are deprived of the right for a year like), but also appear in court. And the court- it's going about 100 violators and you are wasting a lot of time.
And you will like it if, in a civilian car, a civilian policeman drives behind you and at the slightest violation he will stop you and cut a ticket. How do you like this type of violation- The police officer will issue a fine for. that you were supposedly maneuvering with danger to others.
I don't talk about, how many simple minor violations do not pass in the states.
So I'd rather pay the traffic cop. You need to fight with excessive extortion, not with bribes :)))))))))

  Entertainment with systems.

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