Выписки из “Марафон трейдера”

Original : www.2stocks.ru/upload/marafon.doc

Finally, does not matter, how much do you know about the markets or trading. There is only one criterion for success in this profession - how much money did you raise from the market.

Trading – это одна из самых запутанных и сложных областей знаний. How many people - so many opinions. There is no one way, how to make money on the stock exchange - there are hundreds of methods, and everyone is different.

Knowledge is worth absolutely nothing, if you cannot turn this knowledge into money.

Trading without a system is a road to nowhere. All successful traders trade systematically.

If for several years every day you lose, then you earn, – you get used to it, and you know, that profit or loss for the day means absolutely nothing. Even profit for a month means nothing.

Money causes greed. Money causes fear of losing it. To start making money on the exchange, you need to get rid of your own fears and greed. Для этого нужно, so that money will lose value for you - that value, which all people attribute to money

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to make money on the exchange, if consciously or unconsciously you are afraid of losing them!!

Не знаешь, how to trade, – учись, but just don't be stupid.

“For me the most important lesson, obtained from these interviews, is something, that it is absolutely necessary to adopt the trading method, ideally suited to the individuality of each person. ".

No need to copy other traders to be successful on the exchange. We are all unique. The trading methods of traders are also unique.. For success, you need to develop YOUR own methodology, understand it - all its advantages and disadvantages - and learn how to use it. This is what all successful traders have in common - each successful trader has found his own methodology and trades only according to it.. He does not need other people's trading techniques - they are useless.

  For beginners infa ...

You don't need to look for the grail on the stock exchange - you need to look for yourself. The stock exchange is that place, where do you fight with yourself. And at the same time you get to know yourself.

The trader's task is not, to make money in any market, and in that, so that for everything 100% take that chance, when the market itself "gives" you money, – and don't miss, when the market tries to take them back.

Money can be lost, even if you trade without emotion, how robot, - and even on that system, which enriched you before.

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